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Baby Milestones

baby milestones

From your baby’s first smile to walking and even talking, we explain your baby’s milestones

Over the next 12 months your little one is going to learn so much and it’s going to be absolutely incredible to watch! From their first smile, to holding their head up and even their first little walk; this is going to be your greatest adventure yet!

Here, we explain what milestones you can expect from your little over the next two years, but please do keep in mind that all babies develop differently and if you’re ever concerned, you should speak to your health visitor or GP.

0-3 month baby milestones

During the first three months of your baby’s life, it’s all about sleeping, eating and of course, crying. However, during this time you can also look forward to your baby lifting their head on their own and of course smiling!

Here’s what you can expect to see:

  • Being able to lift/control their head
  • Their first smile
  • First laugh (kinda!)
  • Their first bath (aww!)

Find out what else you can expect to see from your 3 month old baby here

4-6 month baby milestones

During this stage you’ll begin to notice your baby’s personality coming out a lot more and they may even begin making distinct coos, giggles and squeals too!

Here’s what you can expect to see:

  • Your baby may be able to roll over
  • Your baby may be able to sit up
  • At six months you may want to begin weaning them
  • Teething is likely to begin during this time
  • Your baby may be able to grab objects

Find out what else you can expect to see from your 6 month old baby here

7-9 month baby milestones

Now your little one will probably be trying new foods, playing new games with you! And they are sure to be able to tell you (in some form or another) what they do and don’t like!

Here’s what you can expect to see:

  • Your baby may begin to crawl
  • Your baby may be able to stand up
  • Your baby’s hand and finger skills will be developing
  • Your little one way babble from time to time

Find out what else you can expect to see from your 9 month old baby here

10-12 month baby milestones

These days your baby is probably on the move! You may notice they are crawling, pulling up and even for some, walking!

Here’s what you can expect to see:

  • Your little one way begin to talk and say their first words
  • Your baby may be able to understand words
  • It’s your baby’s first birthday!!!

Find out what else you can expect to see from your 12 month old baby here

13-18 month baby milestones

These five months are jam-packed with lots and lots of firsts that you’ll probably spend them totally in awe of your little one as they begin to learn more and more. And if you hadn’t worked it out by now, you definitely need to baby-proof your home if you haven’t done already!

Here’s what you can expect to see:

  • Your baby take their first steps
  • Your little one use a cup
  • Your baby may be able to scribble
  • Your little one can play with books

Find out what else you can expect to see from your 18 month old baby here

19-24 month baby milestones

Wow, during this time you are going to see your little continue to grow and develop in the most amazing ways! Here are a few of the key baby milestones you can expect your little one to achieve..

  • Begin having the odd tantrum - hold onto your seats for this one!
  • Begin to jump
  • Begin to speak properly
  • Will try to copy you and the things you're doing around the house
  • Wash their hands (with a bit of help from you)
  • Understand simple instructions
  • Begin to include other children in their play or games

Find out what else to expect from your baby as they reach 24 months old...

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Common questions you may have about your baby

Here, we answer some of the most common questions you may have about your baby’s development milestones

When do babies smile?

Although wind is often mistaken for a smile, you can expect your little one to give you a real smile by around 2 months of age.

When to babies laugh?

No doubt you can’t wait to hear the super cute sound of your baby giggling, but you’ll need to be patient as babies tend to begin laughing out loud at around 3 to 4 months old.

When do babies roll over?

Some babies can roll over from just 3 months old however, it’s more common around 4 to 6 months of age.

When do babies sit up?

Babies can begin to sit up without support around 5-6 months of age and by 8 months they should be able to sit up unaided.

When do babies crawl?

Once your baby becomes a little closer to the 8 month mark and has mastered being able to sit up without support, you can expect crawling to be the next big milestone. But remember, crawling backwards tends to come before your little one manages to crawl forward.

When do babies walk?

While the typical age to begin walking is around 12 months of age, some babies may not be ready until 20 months of age; the typical age range is eight and a half months to 20 months.

When do babies talk?

Babies tend to begin saying a few words from the age of 6 months however, for others it can be around 12 months of age when they begin to clearly say words. You can find out more about your baby’s speech development here.

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