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1 month old baby development
Dr Simon Carvell
Medically reviewed by
19th Dec 2023

The first few weeks of your baby’s life can feel like a whirlwind, but four weeks in, and you may feel like you are really getting to know your little one. Your baby will change a lot during their first month, and you will notice some big differences in them during this short time.

Here we explain everything you need to know at this early stage in their development.

Baby's growth and overall health at 1 month

Most babies lose some of their birth weight in the days following birth. However, babies are usually quick to get back to their birth weight, and by the time they are one month old will likely have gained weight. You can track your baby’s weight using the baby growth charts in your red book, which will be filled in by your health visitor.

Your baby will gain the most weight during their first six to nine months. Throughout the first month of your baby’s life, you will notice that they grow rapidly and may go up in nappy and clothes sizes during this time.

No two babies are the same, and boys are often longer and weigh more than baby girls. On average, a four-week-old baby boy may measure between 49cm and 60cm in length and weigh between 3kg and 6kg. Girls may measure between 48cm and 58cm in length and weigh between 2.75kg and approximately 6kg at four weeks of age, but every baby is different.

If you are concerned about your baby’s size, it is always best to discuss this with your health visitor.

Baby's sleep at 1 month

Your baby’s sleep pattern may be pretty inconsistent at one month. Some babies sleep for a long stretch through the night and nap throughout the day. But most babies are not in a routine at this stage and may sleep in short bursts throughout the day and night.

Four-week-old babies usually sleep between 14 and 18 hours each day and will wake for feeds during the night. So right now, your baby probably spends far more of their time asleep than awake.

Baby's food and feeding schedule at 1 month

At one month, you probably feel like you are constantly either feeding your baby or changing their nappy!

It is recommended that babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months. Generally, your baby will want around eight feeds every 24 hours, but this does vary from baby to baby. Some babies prefer long feeds, while others feed for short bursts. Feeding your baby ‘on-demand’ allows you to respond to your baby’s cues and feed them when they feel hungry, and offer comfort when needed.

If you have any concerns about your baby’s feeding, you may wish to discuss these with your health visitor.

Vitamin D supplements

It is recommended that babies who are exclusively breastfed receive a vitamin D supplement each day. Your health visitor will be able to recommend a vitamin D supplement that is suitable for your baby.

Baby's personality at 1 month

At one-month-old, your baby will communicate with you through crying. Around this time, you may start to recognise their different types of cries to determine what they want. Your baby will cry when they are hungry, overtired, need a nappy change, or are in pain to let you know that they need you.

It is important to remember that you cannot spoil a baby by responding to their cries, so providing comfort is important.

Many babies cry more between four and eight weeks, and after this period, their crying usually settles. If you feel your baby is crying excessively, you may want to chat with your health visitor for some further advice.

A four-week-old baby will be aware of loud noises and will be startled or start crying in response to these. Towards the end of your baby’s first month, you may be rewarded with one of the best baby milestones, which is to see your little one smile for the first time.

Your baby will now start to focus on faces and objects, and you may notice their gaze is drawn to lights and colourful toys.

Baby's Milestones at 1 Month:

  • Noticing sounds around them and sometimes responding by crying or with a startle reflex
  • Your baby may start to smile towards the end of their first month
  • Babies’ eyes are drawn to lights, and they will follow colourful toys with their gaze

Games and activities for baby at 1 month

Your baby may be tiny right now, but there are still activities that you can introduce at home to support their development, here are some ideas for you to try:

Sing While You Feed

Singing to your baby while feeding has a whole host of benefits. Singing helps introduce your baby to new words, which will later boost their vocabulary, while also helping them to feel safe and comforted by the familiar sound of your voice.

In addition, making eye contact with your baby while singing provides the perfect opportunity for bonding with your little one.

Talk to Your Baby

Talking to your baby is so beneficial for their development, and it is never too early to start!

Although your baby cannot form words at this stage, they will respond if you mimic their noises. Chatting to your baby throughout the day about what you are doing, and your surroundings is an excellent way to promote early language and communication skills.

How mum's feeling at 1 month postpartum


emmas diary tips

Mum's View

"For me, with my third baby, the fourth trimester was a happy bubble full of excitement. Everything was wonderful and straightforward. Just as I hoped!

The exhaustion and sleepless nights were real, but I was well-equipped and prepared to deal with them by now… I knew what to expect and what was coming, after experiencing it twice before.

However, with my firstborn I had a totally different experience.

It was all new to me.

The fourth trimester was one where I needed more support than I initially realised I would.."


Mum of 4, Harriet

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emmas diary tips

Mum's View

"You know you’re a parent to a newborn when…

Your camera roll is full of nearly the same picture.

Your new baby is adorable, and you want to capture every sweet moment of your baby’s life, so you take dozens (maybe even hundreds) of photos every day, especially of your baby when they’re sleeping peacefully. It doesn’t matter that nearly all photos look the same, these are precious moments for you."


Mum of 3, Petra

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emmas diary tips

Mum's View

"When Jack was first born I felt so jealous of my previous life and the freedoms I had.

I wanted to be with my baby and bond but I desperately wanted to see the old me in the mirror. Being at home and cuddling was lovely and exactly where my heart lived but I would have given anything to jump in a time machine and be a teenager riding my bike around my neighborhood with my little sister.

My mothering instinct was kicking in by the day and all I wanted to do was be with my baby, cuddle him all day long and look after him - I also, fleetingly, wanted to run for the hills."


Mum of 1, Rosie

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