The tiny newborn you brought home from the hospital has now changed beyond recognition, and this exciting next phase in their development will see your sweet little one surprise you with even more milestone moments.
Here’s what you can expect from your baby’s development when they reach ten months old.
Baby’s Growth and Overall Health at 10 Months
Your baby may be able to stand confidently now when holding on to objects. This makes it essential to focus on babyproofing your home. At this age, many babies love to pull themselves up into a standing position in their cots. So, ensure that you babyproof your baby’s bedroom, too, to keep your adventurous little one safe.
As well as being able to stand, babies can usually use each hand independently at ten months old. This will probably mean that they spend a lot of time picking objects up and then dropping them for you to retrieve!
Your baby’s first teeth have probably recently emerged, and now is a great time to begin looking for a dentist to get those new pearly whites checked and get your little one used to dental check-ups. Brushing your baby’s teeth with an age-appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste will also help to protect these shiny new teeth.
At ten months old, baby boys often measure 66cm and 79cm in length and weigh between 6.7kg and 12kg. Ten-month-old baby girls can measure between 64cm and 78cm in length and weigh between 6kg and 11.7kg.
Don’t forget that all babies are different, and you can discuss any concerns you have about your baby’s size and development with your health visitor.
9-12 month review
At some point between nine months and one year old, you will be invited to take your baby to a review with the health visitor. Before the appointment, you will be sent an ‘ages and stages’ or ASQ-3 Questionnaire.
This questionnaire contains questions about your baby’s learning, behaviour, diet, language, and safety. This review is usually carried out by a member of the health visiting team and provides you with the chance to ask any questions and discuss any concerns you may have.
Baby’s Sleep at 10 Months
Most babies at ten months sleep for between 13 and a half and 14 and a half hours each day. This sleep schedule could be broken down into a short nap in the morning and a longer nap in the afternoon, which lasts up to three hours. You may find that your baby goes to sleep for longer periods through the night now, which means you get more rest, too!
Baby’s Food and Feeding Schedule at 10 Months
Your baby may now be experimenting with eating a wider choice of foods and different textures. Keeping your baby’s diet varied while ensuring it is healthy will help reduce the chances of them becoming bored and refusing to eat.
You may notice that your baby sometimes refuses to eat different vegetables. This is totally normal, and it is important not to force them. Simply keep offering your little one the food, as it can take up to ten attempts at trying a food for babies to become used to it and stop spitting it out.
Your baby will likely still have three milk feeds a day. If they have now mastered the art of drinking from a sippy cup, you may want to introduce an age-appropriate open cup to help them learn to drink with sucking.
It is generally recommended that babies are given daily vitamin A, C, and D drops unless they are drinking 500ml of formula each day. Your health visitor should be able to advise you on which drops are the best choice for your baby.
Baby’s Personality at 10 Months
At ten months, your baby will now understand some basic phrases, such as ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ ‘hello,’ and goodbye.’ They may also be able to respond when you ask them a simple question.
Some babies start to show early signs of separation anxiety at ten months old. They may seem upset when you leave a room, and they may have a favourite toy or blankie that they like to keep with them at all times. Separation anxiety is something that many little ones experience and often occurs either before or around their first birthday.
Baby’s Milestones at 10 Months:
- Your baby may be able to stand confidently.
- 10-month-old babies often now have their first few teeth.
- At ten months, your baby can use each hand independently.
- Your baby will be able to understand simple words.
Games and Activities for Babies at 10 Months
The following games and activities will help to support your baby’s development at ten months old:
Chat with your baby
When your baby points to items they want, take the opportunity to chat with them about the object.
Play peek-a-boo and hide and seek
Playing peek-a-boo with your baby is lots of fun and is probably something you already do together. Introducing hide and seek to your playtimes is an excellent idea, and you can play using toys. This is a helpful way to develop your baby’s visual memory.
How mum's feeling at 10 months postpartum

Mum's View
"I don’t think you can fully explain what being a parent is like. The sensory overload is extreme. So much noise, so much tiredness, so much love that you feel like you might burst. So! Much!
I dived straight in to the chaos and it was more than I could have dreamed it’d be. Sometimes I felt like I was drowning, other times I’d blissfully float on the surface.
It’s taken a while, but I’ve emerged between two worlds. A kind of hybrid between Motherhood and Myself."
Mum of 3, Rebecca

Mum's View
"Making new mum friends is essential. You create a new tribe where you can bounce ideas and worries off on each other. They are the ones that can make you laugh and feel better when you feel down. I am very fortunate to have such a solid group of mum friends that I’m in touch with daily and see regularly."
Mum of 2, Rachel

Mum's View
"You’d think it would be easier as this is my second child, and second time returning to work. But I’m finding it just as hard!
I cried multiple times a day for the first few days back, why am I admitting this to you? Because
I know I won’t be alone! And if someone else can read this and know they aren’t alone either, then I have achieved what I wanted."
Mum of 3, Hebe

Parents' tips this month!