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14 month baby development
Dr Simon Carvell
Medically reviewed by
19th Dec 2023
At 14 months old, your little one is probably full of character and keeping you very busy. This month brings even more exciting changes. Here’s what to expect when your little one reaches 14 months old:

Baby’s Growth and Overall Health at 14 Months

If your baby has not already taken their first steps, they won’t be far away now that they have reached 14 months. If your little one is walking, they may be a little wobbly right now and may find it difficult to stop without crashing into things and struggling to turn corners. But, pretty soon, they will be a pro at walking and ready to show off their new skill at every opportunity.

In terms of size, it is important to remember that all babies are different, but at 14 months old, baby boys typically measure between 71cm and 85cm in length and weigh between 7.5kg and 13.5kg. Baby girls typically measure between 69cm and 84cm in length and weigh between 7kg and 13kg. 

If you have any concerns about your baby’s size, you can always discuss these with your health visitor.

Baby’s Sleep at 14 Months

If you are a sleep-deprived parent you will be pleased to know that around 14 months of age, your little one’s sleeping habits will start to mature. This means that they will start to sleep more soundly, especially in the first part of the night. 

At 14 months, your baby will need approximately 14 hours of sleep, and this will usually include one afternoon nap.

Baby’s Food and Feeding Schedule at 14 Months

Your baby will now be eating three meals a day plus two snacks. It is crucial to ensure that these are nutritionally balanced to keep your little one healthy. In addition, your baby will need around 400ml of milk, but this can be either a drink or combined with food, such as served with cereal.

It is recommended that children under the age of five years are given vitamin A, C, and D supplement drops each day unless they are drinking 500ml of milk every day. Your health visitor will be able to provide advice if you are unsure whether your baby needs supplements.

Baby’s Personality at 14 Months

Your little one may become far more expressive around the 14-month mark. At this stage, they may start to show feelings of jealousy and frustration, and this can sometimes cause them to bite or hit. This behaviour is your baby’s way of expressing feelings, and it is best to remain calm in these situations and to say no ‘clearly.’ 

While you may not enjoy your baby’s hitting and biting, they will also express themselves in far nicer ways too. At this age, many babies start to kiss their parents and siblings. But, be warned, these kisses are normally pretty slobbery!

You may also notice that your little one starts to become shy around strangers and may also show signs of separation anxiety when apart from you.

Baby’s milestones at 14 months

  • Your little one may sleep better at night now and have just one nap.
  • At 14 months, your baby will be on the move and will probably be walking.
  • Your baby will be able to drink from a free-flowing cup.
  • 14-month-old babies may express feelings of jealousy and frustration by biting and hitting.

Games and Activities for Babies at 14 Months

If you are looking for ideas to further support your 14-month-old baby’s development, why not give these games and activities a try:

Offer choices

Offering your little one two simple choices, such as an apple or a banana, is a great way to boost their vocabulary.

Let them walk

If it is safe to do so, you may want to let your little one walk with you more now they have developed this new skill. Don’t forget to allow extra time, as the pace will be slow.

Look at books

At this age, it is not always necessary to read a storybook to your baby. Instead, you may want to look at baby board books that have simple images. Pointing to the images and talking about them with your baby is a great way to develop their learning and language skills.

Roll a ball

Rolling a ball backward and forwards to each other is a simple activity, but it will allow your baby to track its movement with their eyes, and they’ll find it lots of fun too.


How mum's feeling at 14 months postpartum


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Mum's View

"You’d think it would be easier as this is my second child, and second time returning to work. But I’m finding it just as hard!

I cried multiple times a day for the first few days back, why am I admitting this to you? Because I know I won’t be alone! And if someone else can read this and know they aren’t alone either, then I have achieved what I wanted."


Mum of 3, Hebe

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emmas diary tips

Mum's View

"Parenting is amazing but it's also relentless. The responsibilities, the constant demands, the endless to-do lists...

I used to feel so guilty when I felt like I needed some time apart from my babies (good old mum guilt!) But eventually I came to realise that it wasn't a bad thing."


Mum of twins, Hannah

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Mum's View

"I'll be the first to admit, body positivity hasn't come easy to me. Learning to accept my post-partum body was hard but after while I learned to embrace my new ‘mum tum’ and I soon felt so much more at home in my own skin. I looked at my soft, squishy belly and instead of disappointment and shame, I felt proud and empowered!"


Mum of 2, Sally

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Dr Simon Carvell
Medically reviewed by
19th Dec 2023
Dr Simon Carvell
Medically reviewed by
19th Dec 2023