Your 4 week old Baby’s Development

What to expect from your baby at 4 weeks old
Can you believe your baby is a month old?! Where has the time gone!
At four weeks of age your baby may be able to see more clearly than before. In fact, they will be able to see up to 18 inches in front of them. Now, it takes a lot of effort to focus so you may notice your baby looking a little cross-eyed at times. To help them with this, try to hold something in front of their face and move it from side to side slowly, for them to follow.
From now on your little one should be growing approximately one inch per month, but don’t worry if your baby is a little less or more, every child is different.
How will your 4 week old baby sleep?
Your little one is likely to be sleeping around 16-17 hours a day and even when they are awake, they may seem a little drowsy and not quite alert.
Your 4-week-old baby and food
Now that your baby is four weeks old you may be beginning to get into the swing of breastfeeding, but if you’re finding it a little difficult, you can always visit your midwife for some extra support.
The average 4-week-old baby drinks about 660ml to 840ml of milk a day spread over seven to 10 feeds.
Movement and head control
At this young age your little one is unable to sit up alone, move around or roll over. When lying on their back for a nappy change you might notice that they keep their head to one side. If you place them on their tummy they might try to lift their head up at first, but they’ll soon allow their head to turn to one side and bend their arms (elbows outwards) and legs with their bottom slightly sticking upwards. Their arm and leg movements are uncoordinated and jerky.
Your 1-month-old still has the basic reflex movements they had as a newborn (called ‘primitive reflexes’). For example if you touch their cheek near their mouth they’ll turn to try to suck your finger (‘rooting reflex’); when held ‘standing’ on a hard surface they’ll press their feet down in a kind of walking pattern (‘stepping reflex’).
Right now your little one has very little head control, so it is important to always support your baby’s head and neck when carrying them and while feeding
Your baby's hearing at 4 weeks
Your baby’s hearing is now fully developed too, which means they will begin to listen to the source of voices and notice when you’re making loud noises around them. Their neck muscles will also be stronger so you may notice them briefly lifting their head when they lie on their stomach – and maybe even turn it from side to side!
You’ll be well aware that your baby can whimper, moving on rapidly to loud crying when hungry or uncomfortable! At this age it’s normal for babies to cry for anything from 1 to 6 hours a day but this should settle down in a few weeks. At other times when contented they’ll make little ‘throaty’ grunts and noises.
Your little one already prefers social contact to other stimuli so will maintain eye contact with you, recognise your face close up and stop crying when you pick them up or talk to them. You’re already seeing early signs of that all-important first smile.
What activities and baby games will help my 4-week-old develop?
- Talk to your baby about what’s going on around them for example: Are you hungry? Let’s change your nappy. Do you want some milk?
- Make baby noises together to encourage your little one to listen and learn about turn-taking conversations
- Make faces and maintain lots of eye contact.
- Give your baby some tummy time every day by placing them to lie on their front for a few short minutes. Not all babies like this at first so maybe lie with them and talk, sing or wiggle a bright toy – just a minute or two daily helps to strengthen their back and shoulder muscles.
At a glance: your baby at 4 weeks old
The key milestones for your 1-month-old baby are:
- Beginning to smile at people
- Recognises a familiar face or bright object up close, following it with their eyes and maintaining eye contact
- Primitive newborn reflexes are still present, for example startle response, rooting reflex, stepping reflex, hand grasp
They will probably also:
- Try to lift their head briefly when lying on their tummy
- Notice sounds around them
- Make little ‘throaty’ noises when contented