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Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant


In this pre-pregnancy and conception advice section we cover all the key issues to consider if you are planning on having a baby. We explain how your menstrual cycle works, give tips on improving your chances of conceiving, help you plan for a pregnancy and provide trusted fertility advice.

We also have lifestyle tips for you and your partner to optimise your pre-pregnancy health. Alongside our conception advice, we provide a useful ovulation calculator to calculate optimum time to start trying for your baby.

Fertility | Woman smiling
How to get pregnant

Top tips for boosting your fertility and improving your chances of getting pregnant.

Struggling to get pregnant | Woman Pregnancy Test
Struggling to get pregnant

Possible causes of fertility problems and information on the available fertility treatments in the UK.

Ovulation Calculator

Use our calculator to help you work out the optimum time to start trying for your baby.

am i pregnant quiz
Quiz: Am I pregnant?

Try out our quiz  to find out if you are in fact pregnant

early signs of pregnancy
Very early signs of pregnancy

Could you be pregnant? Here are  the early and first symptoms to look out for. 

Alternative ways to get pregnant
Alternative ways to get pregnant

Information and advice on everything from fertility treatment to assisted conception treatments.