There is a lot going on during pregnancy and your body will react in many different ways, most of which are completely normal and harmless.
But there are also some symptoms that are red flags and mean you should speak to a medical professional.
Here’s our guide to the pregnancy warning signs that you must not ignore.
Pregnancy warning signs to be aware of
Blurred vision
While pregnancy can lead to slight changes in your vision and your prescription if you wear glasses, developing blurred vision should always be treated seriously.
If you develop blurring of your vision, you should always contact your doctor at once.
After 20 weeks blurred vison or seeing flashing lights may indicate pre-eclampsia. This must be treated or it may develop into eclampsia, which can be dangerous.
Persistent Headache
Headaches are not unusual in pregnancy. But you should speak to your doctor if you have a persistent dull headache that simply won’t go away or a very bad headache, as it could be a symptom of pre-eclampsia.
Swollen ankles
It is very common for your ankles to swell during pregnancy, as your body is holding more water than normal and this travels down the body, causing your extremities to swell up. But swollen ankles can be another symptom of pre-eclampsia. So if you notice a sudden increase in swelling in your ankles – or your face and hands – then you should speak to a doctor.
Chest pain
If you experience chest pain or breathlessness while lying down, then this could be a sign of heart problems, so you should speak to your doctor – especially if you have an existing heart condition. If the pain spreads to your neck, back, or left arm then call 999 immediately – as it could mean you’re having a heart attack.
Vaginal bleeding
Light bleeding – or ‘spotting’ – is common during the first trimester. It can also occur after sex or an internal examination. But bleeding can also be a sign of problems, such as a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, or a vaginal infection. So you should speak to your doctor or midwife if you have any bleeding from your vagina.
You must speak to your GP or midwife - or call NHS 111 - if you spot any kind of rash. This is particularly important if you’ve been near someone who has shingles or chickenpox.
Stomach pain
Stomach pain is common in pregnancy and is normally nothing concerning. Usual causes are trapped wind, constipation, or ligament pain – also known as growing pains – which is when the ligaments stretch to accommodate your growing baby.
But stomach pain can also be a warning sign of something more serious – such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, urinary tract infection, and placental abruption (when the placenta starts to come away from your womb wall). If you’re worried about stomach pains, speak to your doctor or midwife. And if the pain doesn’t go away - or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as vaginal bleeding, lower back pain, unusual vaginal discharge, pain while peeing, and regular cramping – then you should speak to a doctor immediately.
Itchy skin
A bit of itchiness is normal in pregnancy, especially around your tummy as it stretches. Hormonal changes can also cause itching. But itching is also the main symptom of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), which is a potentially serious liver condition. So, you should speak to your doctor or midwife if you have itching, especially if it’s worse at night or on your palms and soles of your feet.
If you develop a fever or high temperature (above 37.5 Celsius) while pregnant, you must speak to your doctor or maternity unit immediately as it could be a sign of an underlying infection, which could harm you and your baby.
Back pain
Back pain is very common in pregnancy, particularly in the first three months – as your ligaments are naturally stretching, which puts strain on your back. But you should speak to your doctor or midwife immediately if you also have a fever, vaginal bleeding, pain while peeing, lose feeling in your legs, bum or genitals, or have pain under your ribs.