Being pregnant can be super exciting, but it can also be a little daunting.
And when you’re pregnant with twins, then things are taken up another notch in many ways. So, if you are – or think you are - pregnant with twins then you may have a lot of questions about how things will be different from carrying just the one baby.
To help you, here’s some information about what's happening when you're carrying two, and the signs and symptoms of twin pregnancies...
What is the likelihood that I’m carrying twins?
Overall the chances of having a multiple pregnancy ( twins, triplets or more) is 1 in every 65 births in the UK. Around two thirds of all twins are non-identical.
The chances of becoming pregnant with identical twins are the same for everybody – about 1 in 250. But the chances of having non-identical twins are increased by certain factors. For instance, if you have a family history of non-identical twins, if you’ve had IVF, if you’re aged over 35, or if you’re from certain ethnic groups.
What are the early twin pregnancy symptoms and signs?
Certain early pregnancy symptoms may be worse with twins, such as morning sickness and fatigue. Also you may be bigger than expected for your dates if you’re expecting twins.
You may hear that one of the signs of a twin pregnancy is feeling your baby moving earlier than expected, but that’s not true. There is no difference between twin and single pregnancies when it comes to fetal movement.
When will I find out for sure if I’m having twins?
You will usually find out whether you are carrying twins at your first ultrasound scan, which takes place between 11 to 14 weeks. During this scan you should also be told whether the babies share a placenta (meaning they are definitely identical) or if their placentas are separate (meaning they can be either identical or non-identical). It’s important to know this, as there is a higher risk of complications with a shared placenta and you will receive extra scans and monitoring during your pregnancy. But it may not be clear at this stage whether the placenta is shared or not, in which case you’ll be offered further scans. Most babies do not share a placenta.
What pregnancy symptoms can I expect if I’m having twins?
You’ll have the same range of pregnancy symptoms with twins as any expectant mum, but some may be worse.
Twin pregnancy symptoms include:
- Morning sickness - hormone levels are higher when you’re carrying two or more babies, which means you’re more likely to suffer from nausea. If you’re affected, try to avoid particularly spicy, oily or strong smelling foods. Also, try to eat little and often and include foods that are rich in zinc – such as meat, eggs, fish, nuts and seeds– as this may be helpful in combating morning sickness.
- Fatigue – you may feel particularly tired if you’re expecting twins. Again, it’s increased hormone levels that are the culprit. Try and do all you can to get increased rest – such as moving your bedtime earlier and, if possible, taking naps in the day.
- Weight gain – You will inevitably put on more weight when carrying twins. And it’s vital to gain weight to support your babies’ health. It’s recommended that you should gain between 37 to 54 pounds (approx. 17 to 25kg) if you have a normal weight before pregnancy.
- Spotting – This is light bleeding caused when the developing embryo implants itself in your womb wall. It’s more common with twin births and is usually nothing to worry about, but - as with any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy - you should contact your GP or midwife immediately and describe what’s happened.
Women who are pregnant with twins also report more heartburn, back and knee pain, varicose veins and difficulty sleeping.