Your second trimester

The middle weeks of pregnancy are the ones many women find the most enjoyable.

Find out whether you're having a boy or girl...

A list of our favourite parenting books

Here are a few things to think about now you're in your second trimester...
What is a hot flush? Why do they happen in pregnancy? And what can you do about them?
Here we answer your questions...

There are a few items that you may never have even known you may require as a new mum...

Here’s our guide to common pregnancy sleep problems – and how you can overcome them...

We reveal our favourite stretch mark creams...

The tests and scans you can expect to undergo during your middle months of pregnancy

Here's what you need to know about keeping safe and your maternity rights...

This is a good trimester for travelling, but check out our pregnancy travel tips before setting off

There are many reasons why you may be having trouble sleeping while pregnant. Here are some tips to help you sleep

We reveal why you may be having vivid dreams during pregnancy...

Ahh sleep, something we all seem to be obsessed with, pregnant or not.

A healthy well-balanced diet includes a good variety of foods, but certain foods are best avoided during pregnancy