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Coping with the heat during pregnancy

coping with the heat in pregnancy
Sophie Martin
Medically reviewed by
23rd Feb 2024

Being pregnant often means that you feel hotter than usual. In the winter, this can be a distinct advantage but when it’s 90 degrees in the shade, you may find that cooling down is difficult.

If you already have difficulty sleeping due to your bump, being hot during pregnancy can make for an even more restless night.

Here are our top tips for coping with the heat when you're pregnant.



Feet first

Getting your feet and hands cooler will help you cool down all over, so put your feet in a bowl or bath of cold water, or you could even sit with your feet in a paddling pool at home or go to a local park that has one – great if you have kids already as this helps them keep cool too.

This will also help to relieve swollen ankles.  If you’re at work or out and about, try putting your hands and wrists under cold water.

At night, try spraying your feet with cold water from a plant spray container or wrap a cold cloth around them. Holding ice cubes against the pulse points in your wrists is another good tip. Cool showers can also help – take several a day if you need to, then don’t towel off too much, as the evaporating water from your skin can help you cool off more quickly.

Your biggest fan

Fans are your friend. An electric fan in the bedroom may help you get a more restful night and you could ask for one at work if the office or workplace is not air conditioned.

Pop a fold-up fan in your handbag for when you’re out and about – especially on hot buses and trains – or invest in a small battery fan.

Keep hydrated

We are all told to keep up our water intake in pregnancy but now, in the heat, it’s even more important.

Drink plenty of cold, iced water, which will not only keep you hydrated but will cool you down too. If you fancy something more exciting try water with a squeeze of lemon juice or coconut water, but do avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks like cola

Embrace your inner child

Having the occasional ice lolly, sorbet or ice cream will help you cool down. However, do try to avoid too much sugar and brightly coloured lollies and drinks which may be loaded with artificial colourings and flavourings.

Head start

Keeping your head cool can help you feel more comfortable. If you have long hair, wear it up off your face and neck so that cooling breezes can get to your skin more easily.

Cooling sprays on the forehead and back of the neck are also great instant coolers; again, you can use a plant spray container or you could splash out on a mineral water spray from a pharmacy.

Make like a mermaid

Going swimming is a great way to get some gentle exercise and keep cool all at the same time. At this time of year, you could visit a local lido or go to the beach where you can enjoy the weather and take dips or paddle every now and then when you get too hot.

Take some drinks and snacks with you. Remember to wear a good, high factor sun screen, with an SPF of at least 30, as your skin is likely to be more sensitive to the sun than usual.

Don’t go into very cold water too suddenly – take it gently and get acclimatised.

Mad dogs

If you remember the old song, Mad Dogs and Englishmen Go Out InThe Midday Sun, you’ll know that going outside right at the hottest time of the day is not such a great idea.

If you want to go for a walk, to the shops or a local park, choose the early morning and later in the evening as it will be much cooler. When it’s baking, keep blinds and curtains drawn, use a fan and have cold drinks. You can also wear as little as possible – just remember to grab a robe when the postman calls!

On the plus side, having a summer baby means that they will always have a summer birthday, which is great for parties in the garden. So look forward to meeting your little ray of sunshine soon!


Approved by healthcare team