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second trimester to do list

As you enter the second trimester of your pregnancy, the tiredness and nausea you may have experienced in early pregnancy should be starting to pass now and your bump will be starting to show.

If you are wondering what to do in your second trimester this handy guide will provide you with the information that you need. We have put together this second trimester to-do list to help you plan ahead and make the most of this special time in your pregnancy.

Arrange Your Antenatal Appointments

Your antenatal appointments will start to become more frequent during your second trimester and you will have an antenatal appointment at 16 weeks. At the appointment your midwife will talk to you about the results of the tests that you have had so far, and will provide information about your 20-week anomaly scan.

The midwife will take your blood pressure during the appointment and will also need to test a sample of your urine. It is helpful to prepare any questions that you and your partner may have for the midwife before your appointment so that you don’t forget to ask them.

If you are expecting your first baby, you will have your next appointment with the midwife at 25 weeks. Following this, your next antenatal appointment will take place at 28 weeks. At these appointments, your midwife will once again test your urine. At the appointment you will have your blood pressure taken and the midwife will listen to baby’s heartbeat. The midwife will also measure your womb to check baby’s growth by measuring from the top of your womb down to your pubic bone.

Prepare for Your Scans

The second trimester is an exciting time as you will have another opportunity to see your baby when you attend the 20-week anomaly scan.

At the 20-week scan, the sonographer will check your baby for 11 rare conditions by taking a detailed look at your baby’s bones, face, brain, heart, abdomen, kidneys, and spinal cord.

Your sonographer may also ask you if you would like to know the sex of your baby at the scan. Before attending the scan it is a good idea to discuss with your partner whether you would like to know the sex of your baby or whether you would prefer to have a surprise. Depending on how clear the images are during the scan you may even be able to spot whether you are having a boy or girl yourself!

Feel Your Baby Move

During your second trimester you will experience one of your biggest pregnancy milestones; feeling your baby move for the first time. Many mums-to-be start to feel their baby move between weeks 17 and 20 of their pregnancy. Baby’s movements often feel gentle and fluttery at first, but become more pronounced throughout pregnancy.

It is important to get to know your baby’s pattern of movements so that you know what is normal for your baby. If you notice that your baby is moving less than usual you should speak to your midwife or the maternity unit straightaway so that your baby can be checked.

Choose Your Birthing Partner

Now is the time to start considering who you would like to be your birth partner. This could be your baby’s dad, your mum, your sister, your best friend, or you may want to hire a professional doula to support you during the birth.

If you plan to give birth at a maternity hospital, it is important to check how many people you are allowed in the delivery room with you.

Consider Your Maternity Leave Options

If you haven’t told them already, you will need to let your employer know that you are expecting and start to consider how much maternity leave that you plan to take.

To claim statutory maternity pay (SMP) or maternity allowance (MA), you will need to provide your employer with a MATB1 form completed by your doctor or midwife. The form confirms that you are pregnant and gives the estimated date that your baby is due. You must provide your employer with this form at least 15 weeks before your estimated week of confinement (EWC) which is the week that your baby if due. The MATB1 form cannot be issued more than 20 weeks before your EWC.

Research Childcare Options

If you are planning to return to work after having your little one this is the perfect time to begin considering your childcare options. If you are planning to use a nursery for your childcare, you will need to start looking around to find the right option for your baby. Many nurseries have waiting lists, so it is wise to get your baby on the list when you find a nursery that you like.