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Blood tests during pregnancy

pregnancy blood test
Beth Kitt
Medically reviewed by
2nd Feb 2022

Blood tests are an important part of the ongoing examinations you'll experience while pregnant. Some are offered to all pregnant women, while others will only be offered to you if you may be at risk of a particular condition.

It’s important to note that all tests are done to ensure your pregnancy is safe and to check your baby is healthy. However, you don’t have to have all of the tests if you don’t want to – it’s your choice.Talk to your midwife or doctor and give yourself plenty of time to make the decision.

Blood tests you will have during your pregnancy


Blood group tests

Your blood group and rhesus status is important in case you need to have a blood transfusion after baby is born. This blood test will be done at booking, at 28 weeks pregnant and sometimes on admission to hospital when you’re in labour.

Finding out your rhesus status is important because if you are Rhesus Negative (known as RhD negative) you will be offered anti D injections in your pregnancy. Your midwife will discuss this with you in more detail. 

Having Anti D injections prevents you from developing rhesus disease in future pregnancies. Rhesus disease can happen if a pregnant woman who is rhesus negative develops antibodies that attack blood cells that may have leaked into the mothers blood from her unborn baby. This is only an issue if the mother is Rhesus negative and the baby is rhesus positive. This can then lead to jaundice or anaemia in your baby. Rhesus disease can only happen if the mother has already been exposed to Rh positive blood, for example in a previous pregnancy where Anti D has not been given.

Full blood count

Predominantly this test is for anaemia and infection. Iron deficiency anaemia is common in pregnancy and can lead to tiredness, dizziness, palpitations and lethargy. If you are anaemic you should eat an iron rich diet and you may need to take an iron supplement. Avoid taking your iron supplement with tea as the tannin stops iron absorption. Choose to take it with a food or drink that’s rich in vitamin C as vitamin C helps iron be absorbed in your body.

This blood tests will be done at booking, at 28 weeks pregnant and sometimes on admission to hospital when you’re in labour.

Screening for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis

Screening for all of these are offered at the booking appointment, as it is important to detect any of these infections early for the wellbeing of you and your unborn baby. All can have implications as they can be passed from a mother to her baby through blood or body fluids. There is no risk associated with this test as it’s simply a blood test. It’s your choice to have this blood test however, they are recommended to protect your health through early treatment and care and reduce the risk of passing an infection to your baby, partner or other family members.

Screening for Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease

Thalassemia and sickle cell are inherited blood disorders. The purpose of this screening is to find out the likelihood of passing one of these conditions to your baby.

If you are found to be a a carrier of one of these conditions then your partner will also offered the screening test. Both parents need to be carriers of this gene for there to be a risk that it will pass on to baby.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) and thalassaemia major are serious, inherited blood diseases. They affect haemoglobin, a part of the blood that carries oxygen around the body. People who have these conditions will need specialist care throughout their lives.

All women are offered the screening test for thalassemia. Screening for sickle cell anemia will be offered to you based on you and your partners ethnicity. A questionnaire is used to find out yours and your partners family origin to determine whether this screening test will be offered to you. Ideally these tests should be done prior to 10 weeks pregnant.




Approved by healthcare team