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Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

CVS test
Beth Kitt
Medically reviewed by
1st Feb 2022

What is the Chorionic villus sampling test?

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a diagnostic test you may be offered during your pregnancy to check if your baby has a genetic or chromosomal condition, such as Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome or Patau's syndrome. As this test is a diagnostic test, it means that from looking at babys chromosomes, the results will be able to tell if baby definitely has a chromosomal or genetic condition.

When is the Chorionic villus sampling test offered?

A CVS is offered to pregnant women as one of the options for a diagnostic test. It is only offered if there's a high risk of your baby having a genetic or chromosomal condition. This could be because:

  • Your antenatal screening test has suggested there is a higher chance your baby could have Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome or Patau's syndrome.
  • Your ultrasound scan highlighted markers that are associated with these genetic conditions
  • You have had a previous pregnancy with a genetic condition
  • You have a family history or a genetic condition such as sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy.

What happens during a Chorionic villus sampling  test?

The procedure involves taking a tiny sample of tissue from the placenta for testing. This sample can be taken by either entering through the abdomen (transabdominal) or through the cervix (transcervical).

It is usually done between 11-14 weeks but can be done later. If at the time, your obstetrician decides it is not safe to do the test, then they will invite you back at a later time when the placenta is larger.

It is advisable to bring someone with you during the test.

What to expect after the Chorionic villus sampling test

After the procedure, your baby will be observed for a short time on the ultrasound scan.

It is normal to experience mild cramps for a few hours after the test. You can take paracetamol for this if you wish.

If you had the CVS through your cervix, about 10% (or 1 in 10) of women will experience spotting afterwards.

You can drive and continue your day as usual if you choose to.

If you are Rhesus Negative, then you will be advised to have an anti D injection after the procedure. This is to prevent your body developing antibodies against your baby,

The risks of Chorionic villus sampling

Before you decide to have CVS it's important that you understand the risks and possible complications - all of which will be discussed with you by your midwife or obstetrician.

One of the main risks of this procedure is miscarriage, which is estimated to occur in 0.5% (or 1 in 200) of women. Most miscarriages will happen within 3 days of the procedure, but it can happen up to 2 weeks afterwards. This risk of miscarriage of 0.5% is with both CVS andamniocentesis, one does not carry more risk of miscarriage than the other.

The advantage of CVS is that it is done earlier in the pregnancy so you get the results sooner. Although, it is also important to note the risk of CVS causing complications in your pregnancy is higher if it's carried out before the 10th week of your pregnancy.

Up to 6% will  be offered a second test because it wasn't possible to get an accurate sample the first time.

There is a small risk ( 1 in 1000) of an infection from the procedure. If you suspect that you have an infection then immediately seek medical care.

Symptoms of an infection and other reasons to seek immediate medical care are any of the following:

  • A high temperature
  • Fever, sweats, chills or shivering
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • A clear, watery fluid coming from the vagina
  • Contractions

Getting your results

You will usually get 2 results.

The first results of the test should be available to you within three working days and this will tell you if your baby has Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome or Patau's syndrome. If your ultrasound scan also highlighted markers that suggested one of the above syndromes, your doctor will discuss your options with you straight away.

If your ultrasound scan did not show any markers then you will be advised to wait for the full test results within 2 weeks. This 2nd result reflects the DNA from the baby rather than the placenta. There is a rare condition called Confined Placental Mosaicism (CPM) where the DNA on the placenta is not the same as the baby’s.

You can usually choose whether to have the results over the phone.

If the result shows your baby has the chromosomal or genetic condition being tested for, your doctor or midwife will talk to you about what this may mean for you and your baby.

If the result shows that your baby has a condition, you should be able to talk to a consultant paediatrician, consultant geneticist or genetic counsellor.

What are the alternatives to Chorionic villus sampling ?

If you are offered further testing, your alternatives to the CVS are a NIPT, which is a more accurate screening test, or an amniocentisis, a diagnostic test. You can also choose to have no further testing. Your obstetrician or midwife should discuss with you the risks of all of your options, the conditions that they can detect and any differences between them. You don’t have to make a decision at that moment. You can go away and have some time to think through your options.


Approved by healthcare team