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Your third trimester pregnancy guide

What to expect in your third trimester



Information and advice about what you can expect during your 3rd trimester pregnancy

Your last few weeks of pregnancy - from preparing for your baby’s arrival to the onset of labour pains. Plus our checklist for what to pack in your hospital bag and advice on those late pregnancy health niggles.

We team up with Fauzia who shares her experience and advice of what to expect in a neonatal unit...


preemie baby
Premature babies in pictures #LittleWarriors

Meet our wonderful little warriors... 

preemie baby
What I wish I had known about having a premature baby

Here are a few tips to keep in mind from our parents... 

bliss champions
Introducing you to the Bliss Champions

Meet the amazing Champions...

preemie baby
How to care for your preemie baby at home

To help you on your new adventure, here are some tips about caring for your premature baby at home...

preemie baby
Health and development of premature babies

To help you, we’re on hand to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the early development of babies born premature...

preemie baby
Tips for getting ready to bring your preemie baby home

To help you prepare for life beyond neonatal care and the next exciting chapter of your baby’s life, we’ve put together some handy tips...

third trimester
Your third trimester to-do list

Here's everything you need to keep in mind during your third trimester...

Braxton Hicks
Braxton Hicks

Sometimes called practise contractions, Braxton Hicks are very convincing. So how can you tell if you’re really in labour?

pregnancy sleep problems
Common pregnancy sleep problems & solutions

Here’s our guide to common pregnancy sleep problems – and how you can overcome them...

How to help protect your family from viruses and bacteria
Help protect your family from viruses & bacteria

Here's some help to lessen the chances of illness and worry about your little one’s health

baby star sign
What your baby's star sign means

What will your little one be like? 

Dental care during pregnancy
Caring for your teeth during pregnancy

Find out the best way to look after your teeth whilst pregnant... 

thrush in pregnancy
Vaginal thrush in pregnancy

Here's everything you need to know... 

new mum
10 items every new mum loves

There are a few items that you may never have even known you may require as a new mum...

third trimester
What to expect in your third trimester

Welcome to the third trimester! Not long to go now until you finally meet your baby.

Perinatal Mental Health
Tracking your mental health during pregnancy & beyond

We've teamed up with our friends at Huggies and PANDAS to discuss Perinatal Mental Health...

pregnant woman in pink
Having a breech birth

What is a breech position baby and what does this mean for your labour and delivery?

My experience of having premature twins
My experience of having premature twins

Stav shares her story to help other mums-to-be understand what to expect...

Baby Health Advice
Baby Health Advice

For information about your baby's health and guidance on your child’s immunisations. 

Hospital bag checklist
What to put into your hospital bag

A useful check list of items to pack for yourself and your newborn baby in hospital

C-section hospital bag checklist
What to pack in your hospital bag for a planned C-section

We're sharing this handy list of items that you need for your C-section hospital bag...

baby shower guide
Planning Your Baby shower

From the perfect baby shower cakes to baby show games ideas, we have everything you need... 

Baby face
What will my baby look like?

If you’ve little experience of newborn babies you may be surprised how yours will look immediately after birth. Here’s what to expect…

Pregnancy health niggles
Late pregnancy health niggles

As you enter your last phase of pregnancy you may have some unwelcome complaints. Here are some tips for coping with them

nursing bra
The best nursing and maternity bras

Here are some of the nursing bra's we love right now...

pregnant woman in hospital
What is a membrane sweep?

Plus when you may need one...

Pregnant woman with clock
Late arrivals

I'm overdue, what happens next? We answer your  overdue pregnancy FAQs

nursery with clothes
Newborn baby shopping checklist

Wouldn’t it be useful to have a checklist of everything you are going to need for a new baby? Here it is…

birthing ball
Benefits of birthing ball

A birthing ball might just be one of your best pregnancy buys...

choosing baby names
Baby Name inspiration

Our Baby Name Zone has everything you need to find the perfect name for your new baby

baby shower games
Baby Shower Game Ideas We Love

Check out these fun baby shower games to play with all of your guests...

Films and TV shows to binge on maternity leave
Amazing films & TV shows to binge during pregnancy

Check out these entertaining films & series to binge - there's some classics here!


This content is sponsored by Pampers®