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Baby shower games

The restrictions that we’ve all been under in the last 12 months thanks to the pandemic has meant that baby showers have had to be celebrated slightly differently, with virtual celebrations and distanced meetings. With light at the end of the tunnel it won’t be long before baby showers will be able to be as they should be.

Baby showers should be fun, filled with the mum-to-be’s loved ones, and a way to make a fuss of her before her new baby comes along. Games are a great way to get everyone laughing and to make some great memories at a baby shower, so we’re sharing with you 10 of the best games to play at a baby shower to hopefully give you some ideas.

The best baby shower games


1. Who Knows Mummy Best?

Who-knows-mummy-best-gameImage source: Amazon

This simple question and answer game requires minimal preparation before the big day and is a great way to get everyone involved, even the more shy people in the group. It is also easy to play if there is a lot of people at the shower or you have limited space.

2. Name That Baby


Image source: Amazon UK

Another baby shower game that is great to play if you have minimal space at your venue is ‘Name that baby’.

You could choose to find baby photos of famous people or celebrities and ask the guests to guess who they are. Or you could go one further and ask the guest to send you baby photos of themselves and get people to guess who is who.

3. Nappy Tasting

Nappy-Baby-Shower-GameImage source: Etsy

This game isn’t for the faint hearted but it is a great baby shower game to play to get people talking and working together. All you need to do is get some nappies and number them. Then find poo looking type foods that you can put in the nappy and get the guest to use their sense of smell to work out what is what. 

Great fillings for the nappies are things like melted chocolate, curry paste, chocolate spread or peanut butter.

4. Guess The Baby Food

Guess-the-baby-foodImage source: A Little Of Everything Blog

Another baby shower game that requires guests to use their sense of smell and taste is a baby food tasting game.

Buy some jars of baby food, remove the labels and number the jars (making sure you keep a note of what jar is what) and then let the guests try to guess what culinary delights you’ve given them.

5. My Water Broke!

My-water-broke-gameImage source: Pinterest

This game requires a little bit of preparation, but it’s a guaranteed way to get people laughing and to ‘break the ice’. Freeze little plastic babies into ice and give one to each team. The team can do whatever they want to remove the baby from the ice and the aim of the game is to get your baby out first.

6. Nursery Rhyme Baby Shower Game

Nursery-Rhyme-GameImage source: Oh Happy Printables

This is a super easy game to play and to get ready before the shower. The aim of the game is simply to guess the name of the nursery rhyme from one line that you will give to the guests.

If you are short on time, then there are loads of easy prewritten printable sheets for this game available online.

7. Don’t Drop The Baby!


This baby shower game is a take on a good old egg and spoon race and is a great game to play if you’re outside.

You need a wooden spoon for each team, a hardboiled egg for each team and then some arts & crafts bits. Ask each team to decorate their egg to look like a baby and then organise a race in which each team has to carry their baby on the spoon and not drop them.

You can make this game as easy or as hard as you like, by letting the guests carry their baby on the spoon with their hands if you’re feeling nice or in their mouth if you’re feeling more mischievous!

8. The Price Is Right – Baby Edition

Baby-shower-the-price-is-rightImage source: ebay

Find some pictures of baby items like prams, car seats and blankets and print them out large enough for the guests to see. Show each item to the guests and then ask them to guess the price.

For each item the winner is whomever gets the closest to the correct price. You could give out a small sweet or chocolate as a prize.

9. Baby Changing Relay


Another great baby shower game to get everyone moving and having some fun is a baby changing relay. You need a few baby dolls, some nappies, a vest for each baby and a blanket. You need to split your guests into teams and make sure that you have enough nappies for everyone in each team.

Each person runs to your makeshift nappy station has to change the baby’s nappy before wrapping it in the blanket, and running back to the next person in the line and passing them the doll. The first team to have the baby changed by everyone in their team is the winner.

10. Baby Shower Bingo

Baby-Shower-BingoImage source: Etsy

This is a great game to play to keep guests entertained whilst the mum-to-be opens her baby shower gifts.

You can print baby shower bingo cards from online and give them to each of the guests for them to fill out, as the mum-to-be opens her presents. Any guest who gets 1 line, 2 lines or a full house receives a prize.

Just make sure that your cards are different, so you don’t have multiple winners of the same line!

We hope these fun baby shower games give you some inspiration when it comes to planning baby shower games for your big day.


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