Your third trimester is finally here! At this stage, you may feel like you have been pregnant forever, but now is the time for the fun part as you start your final preparations for baby’s arrival and get ready to meet your bundle of joy for the first time.
If you are keen to get started on your preparations but are unsure where to begin, this guide will take you through what to do in your third trimester while awaiting your new arrival. This third trimester to-do list can be referred to any time to help ensure that you don’t miss anything and to help you feel as prepared as possible.
Arrange Your Third Trimester Antenatal Appointments
In your third trimester your antenatal appointments will increase. If this is your first baby you will have an antenatal appointment at 31 weeks. Appointments then take place at 34, 36, and 38 weeks. If you make it to 40 weeks, you will also have an appointment then.
At these appointments, your midwife will once again take your blood pressure, test your urine for protein, measure your bump, and listen to baby’s heartbeat. Your midwife will discuss your plans for the birth and answer your questions.
It is important to discuss any health concerns that you have with the midwife. If you have signs of pre-eclampsia it is important to discuss these immediately rather than waiting until your next antenatal appointment.
Monitor Baby’s Movements
In your third trimester it is crucial to continue monitoring baby’s movements and to seek medical attention straight away if you notice that baby is moving less.
Buy Essential Baby Items
Shopping for baby essentials such as the pram, car seat, cot, and clothes is a lot of fun. This is where the prospect of your baby’s impending arrival starts to feel very real. Preparing all of your baby’s items for their nursery, putting together the pram, and sorting out their clothes will help you to adjust to the exciting change that is coming soon and ensure that you feel as prepared as you can be for baby’s arrival.
Don't forget to ask your Midwife for your freebies!
The Emma's Diary Labour Information Pack is packed full of free mum and baby essentials from BIG brands. You can ask your Midwife or GP for your pack at your 32 week antenatal appointment. Here's what you can expect to find...
*Pack contents may vary
Make a Birth Plan
Creating a birth plan is an important part of your preparations. It is a wise idea to think about what you want from your birth experience and to write it down in your birth plan notes in readiness for the big day. Don’t forget to discuss your choices with your birth partner so that you can have the best experience possible.
Now is also a great time to start learning about the different stages of labour, so that you are familiar with the signs that you will experience when you need to go to hospital.
Pack Your Hospital Bag
Packing your hospital bag is definitely something to do sooner rather than later, so that if you need to dash off to the hospital you have everything that you need already in the bag. Don’t forget to keep your hospital notes close at hand so that you can pop these in the bag too.
Discuss Baby Names
Choosing a name for your baby is a massive decision to make, so it is worth taking the time over making your choice. Sitting down with your partner to discuss baby name choices should help you to bounce around different names and come up with a short list of possibilities.
Take Time to Relax
During your third trimester you may be feeling exhausted and achy. At this stage in your pregnancy you may also be struggling to get comfortable and to fall asleep at night. Relaxing may sound impossible but it is best to try and get as much rest as you can while you excitedly await the arrival of your new baby.
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