As a birth partner there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you help the new mum-to-be as much as you can.
Here, we explain a few tips plus how you can get the most out of the magical experience of being a birthing partner too!
Plan the route to the hospital
You should know your way to the maternity unit and how long it will take you.
You should take into account how heavy traffic might be at different times of the day. If you are making the journey during the rush hour or school run times it could take twice as long. Don’t cut things so fine that you end up delivering your baby on-route.
If you are planning to go by taxi, have several taxi company numbers to hand.
Is she in labour or not?
In the third trimester many women experience practice contractions known as Braxton Hicks; unlike real contractions, they don’t build up and are not painful, just uncomfortable.
Real signs of labour include her waters breaking (this could be a trickle or a gush of fluid).
Labour usually starts within 12 hours of this happening although, unlike the movies, in the vast majority of cases, contractions start before the water breaks.
Persistent lower back pain is another sign of true labour, often accompanied by a cramp-like, premenstrual feeling.
Time the contractions
Contractions occur at regular and increasingly shorter intervals and get longer and stronger.
Time her contractions from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next.
When they are coming every 5 minutes and lasting about 45 to 60 seconds you should phone the number given by her doctor or midwife.
Calling the contact numbers and speaking to a midwife will ensure your partner is advised appropriately about when to go to the hospital/or when a midwife should come to your home if you are planning a home birth.
Timing is key
If your partner is found to be in the early stages of labour she will have an antenatal assessment and if there are no concerns she will be sent home until labour is more established.
So, if the contractions start quite gently try to take her mind off them. Watch a movie, run her a warm bath, get something to eat or, better still, try to grab a few hours rest.
Research shows women will relax better in their own environment and are more likely to get into labour if they are at home in the early stages. It’s also frustrating and makes labour seem interminably long if you are hanging around at the hospital for hours in the early stages.
Know what’s coming
Babies can be born as quickly as they are in the movies but very rarely. For most women, and especially first time mums, labour lasts between 12 and 16 hours.
Early labour (which can be comfortably dealt with at home) can take hours or even days.
First stage labour can last around five or six hours and you should really aim to get her to the maternity unit for this.
Seeing your partner huffing and puffing and making all this amazing effort can bring on mixed emotions.
Be prepared for your partner to get a little grumpy with you at this stage. Ok, possibly she may swear and blame you for putting her through this pain. A little ranting is quite normal.
Your very important job at this stage is to just 'be there' for her. Help her with her breathing if she wants you to. Rub her back or feet if she wants you to. Give her a drink if she wants you to.
In fact, just do anything she wants you to.
When the baby arrives...
Although you will probably be standing there in open-mouthed awe and wonder, you do have other things to think about right now.
Had you planned to take photos? Film the arrival? Did you want to cut the cord? You may need to speak up if you do.
Here comes the placenta!
The beautiful birth of your baby is followed by the delivery of the placenta which can take between five and 60 minutes.
The new mum may feel cold during this phase or get a little shaky. You must keep an eye on her and be ready to offer a warm blanket and to support her as she holds baby in skin to skin contact.
After the birth
Depending on the time of day or night your baby is born, the new mum may not get anything to eat for several hours. It’s difficult to predict exactly what she’ll feel like eating or drinking after the birth, but try to have a few options available. Tea and a biscuit are a popular choice.
If you don't want bedside photography following the birth of your baby, make sure to mention this to your midwife at the hospital.
For her remaining time in hospital, and once she is back home with baby, make sure your partner doesn’t try to do too much too soon.
Help her not only with your newborn baby, and in practical ways around the home, but by making sure visitors don’t outstay their welcome and by listening and responding to her needs.