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Early signs of labour

early signs of labour
Dr Shauna Fannin
Medically reviewed by
2nd Feb 2022

The one question you’ll want the answer to is: How do I know when labour is starting?

The truth is, there is no definitive answer to this, it varies a great deal – sometimes it’s a slow build up of contractions and other times it’s a dramatic event like your waters breaking.

Be prepared for some false alarms, especially if it’s your first pregnancy, but trust your instincts – you’ll almost definitely know when you’ve gone into labour.

Early signs and symptoms of labour

There are several early signs of labour, including:

You can read more about the signs of labour below…

Early signs and symptoms of labour

Here are five signs to tell you that your labour has started. 

1. A ‘show’

This is a pinkish/red mucus ‘blob’ of discharge from the vagina. It’s a plug of gel that has been protecting your uterus from infection during your pregnancy.

A show is usually a sign that labour is imminent and will happen in the next few days, although it can become dislodged a few weeks before labour starts.

If there is a lot of blood, you should contact your GP or maternity unit, as this could be a sign that something is wrong.

2. Lower back pain

You may notice a dull aching pain in your lower back. You don’t need to contact your doctor or midwife though, this is just a warning sign that everything is about to start.

3. Your waters may break

This could be with a gush or a trickle, it depends how much amniotic fluid you have and whether it is the ‘fore-waters’ (the large volume of fluids in front of the baby’s head), or a leak of the ‘hind-waters’ (the smaller amount of fluid behind the baby’s head).

The medical term for waters breaking is spontaneous rupture of the membranes (SROM).

This can happen before contractions start, but it’s more usual for it to happen during established labour, although it can be delayed to right before your baby’s head appears.

If it’s your hind waters that have leaked, contractions may not follow right away because your baby’s head may not be applying enough pressure to the cervix.

Normal amniotic fluid is straw-coloured and you may be able to distinguish it from urine because it is sweeter smelling.

You should phone your midwife or hospital for advice when your waters break, but you should go straight to hospital if the fluid is tinged with blood or is greenish-black in colour.

Blood can be a sign of placenta abruption where the placenta detaches itself from the uterine wall, which can be very dangerous for your baby.

The greenish colour in amniotic fluid can be an indication that your baby has passed meconium, her first waste products, and may be in distress. Once your waters have broken, there is a risk of infection, so if your contractions don’t start naturally within 24 to 48 hours, labour may need to be induced.

4. An urge to empty your bowels

Some women get diarrhoea-like bowel movements in early labour, as the body clears out the digestive system ready for the job ahead.

5. Regular contractions

You’ll be able to tell these are real contractions rather than Braxton Hicks because they hurt and they build up – becoming longer, stronger and more frequent. Women describe the early pain as feeling like a period cramp that reaches a peak, eases off and returns at regular intervals.

They may only last about 20 seconds and occur 15 to 20 minutes apart when they first start, or they could start off much stronger and closer together.

First labours usually last between 12 and 16 hours so it’s best not to go to hospital too soon.

Try to time the contractions from when you begin to feel the pain to when it eases off, and then the space between them. This will tell you how your labour is progressing.

As a general rule, you don’t need to contact the hospital/maternity unit until your contractions are lasting at least 45 seconds and coming five to ten minutes apart.

You should call the contact number you've been given for your midwife at this point. Taking into account how far away you live, you will be told when you should come in.

Early signs of labour

Watch our video on the early signs of labour

Is feeling sick or sickness a sign of labour?

Yes, in the early stages of labour you may experience feeling sick or nausea, along with tightening of the tummy. However, not all women experience this.

Is heartburn a sign of labour?

Many women often wonder if heartburn is a sign of labour and the answer is; it can be. When your baby pushes your stomach upward it can cause the stomach acids to move up the windpipe causing the feeling of heartburn. However, heartburn isn’t one of the most common signs of labour and is more common in the third trimester.

Are period pains a sign of labour?

Many women experience a cramping feeling during labour, a little like period pains. You may also notice a little bit of pain in your lower tummy or back.

Is diarrhoea a sign of labour?

Yes, it’s quite common to experience loose stools or diarrhoea which is caused by your body wanting to empty your bowels to allow the uterus to contract efficiently during labour.

Is backache a sign of labour?

Yes, many women will experience back pain, specifically at the bottom of their back in the run up to labour.

Is constipation a sign of labour?

No, it isn’t, in fact, most women will experience the need to go to the toilet as the body tries to empty the bowels before labour begins.

Are headaches a sign of labour?

Yes, in fact it’s very common to experience headaches and irritability as a sign of labour progressing.

What do labour contractions feel like?

When you have a contraction your womb tightens and then relaxes; for some people this will feel like extreme period pains. As labour comes along, your contractions tend to become a great deal longer, stronger and more frequent. During a contraction, the muscles tighten and the pain increases - in fact if you place your hand on your abdomen you will feel it getting harder, and when the muscles relax and the pain fades you'll feel the hardness ease.

What happens after your waters break?

For most women, the waters will break during labour however, it can also happen before labour begins. If your waters break naturally you will feel a slow trickle or sudden gush of water you can't control. To prepare for this it's worth keeping a sanitary towel handy and put a protective sheet on your bed.

Amniotic fluid (your waters) is clear and a pale straw colour - when your waters break, the water may be a little bloodstained to begin with. But it's important to tell your midwife immediately if your waters are smelly or coloured or if you are losing blood.

What to do if labour doesn't start after your waters have broken

Most women go into labour within 24 hours of their waters breaking. If you haven't, you will be offered an induction as without any amniotic fluid there is an increased risk of infection to your baby. Until your induction takes place, or if you have decided not to have an induction and wait for labour to begin naturally, you should tell your midwife immediately if your baby is moving less than usual or there's a change in colour or smell of any fluid coming from your vagina.

It's also important to take your temperature every four hours when you're awake and notify your midwife if your temperature is raised. A raised temperature is typically above 37.5C.

There's no evidence that having a bath or shower after your waters have broken will increase your risk of infection, BUT sex may.

What to do when your labour begins

Here are a few tips to keep in mind at the beginning of labour. If you feel like you are in labour, you can...

  • Walk or move about
  • Drink fluids
  • Have a snack
  • Try any relaxation and breathing exercises you've been practising to get through the contractions
  • Have your birth partner rub your bath
  • Take paracetamol according to the instructions on the packet
  • Have a warm bath
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