Giving birth to twins

Giving birth to twins
If you’re expecting twins you’ll be advised to give birth in hospital where a medical team will be on standby if any problems arise. It is perfectly possible to give birth to twins vaginally, although it is more common for twins to be born by Caesarean. You can always discuss your birth preferences with your midwife or consultant.
However, if you are carrying triplets you will be advised to give birth in hospital by planned Caesarean.
Giving birth to twins by vaginal delivery
Providing the first baby is lying head down, giving birth to twins vaginally should be possible, with labour progressing much the same as it would for a single baby. The main difference will be that your babies will need to be closely monitored throughout. The babies may also require assisted delivery such as a ventouse or forceps.
Once the first baby has been born, the midwife will check the position of the second baby, who providing all is well, should be born quite quickly as the cervix is already fully dilated.
When a Caesarean is needed for giving birth to twins
You may choose to have an elective Caesarean or your consultant may recommend that you have a Caesarean for medical reasons, or because one or both of your babies are lying in a position which prevents them from being born vaginally.
Sometimes a vaginal delivery is planned, but if the babies become distressed during labour, an emergency Caesarean will be required.
Very rarely a problem develops during a vaginal birth after the first twin is born and an emergency Caesarean is required to deliver the second baby.
Breastfeeding twins
As most twins are born before term, there is even greater benefit to them being breastfed. You can read more here about breastfeeding twins or more.
The different types of twins
There are two types of twins; identical twins and non-identical twins, sometimes known as fraternal twins.
Fraternal twins
Fraternal twins are known to be hereditary whereas identical twins happen spontaneously.
Fraternal twins, also known as dizygotic, occur when two eggs have been produced by the mother and then fertilised by two sperm, leading to each twin having its own placenta.
The twins can be the same sex or different sexes and look no more like each other than other siblings in the family.
There are in fact more fraternal twins born than identical twins!
Identical twins
Identical twins, also called monozygotic, are created when one fertilised egg (zygote) splits into two separate embryos. These twins are the same sex and usually look very alike as they share the same DNA.
Identical twins often share the same placenta too.
Giving birth to triplets
Identical triplets occur in almost the same way as identical twins, but instead of the egg dividing once, one of those halves divides again to create three genetically identical babies.
If three eggs are released and each one is fertilised by a different sperm the babies are fraternal triplets.
Triplets can often be a combination of identical and fraternal – two identical and one fraternal. This means that two eggs are released by the mother and fertilised, and then one splits to form identical twins.
Support and advice
Family and friends can be of great support and they are usually more than happy to help if asked. If you haven't got people nearby you can turn to, talk to your health visitor or contact The Twins Trust , who offer professional support and a range of services, to families with twins or multiple births.