After giving birth, it’s inevitable that you are going to have a fair few aches and pains.
But one area that causes many new mums particular problems is the perineum, which is the area between your vagina and anus.
For various reasons this can be damaged during labour, which can cause you pain for weeks or even months after the birth.
To help you understand why this happens – and what you can do about it – here is our guide to perineal pain after giving birth...
What are the reasons for perineal pain?
One of the major reasons for perineal pain is having a tear or cut during labour. Sometimes the perineum will tear naturally during labour as your baby is being born.
An episiotomy is when a doctor or midwife makes a cut in the perineum to make more space for your baby to come out. This may happen if you need a forceps or vacuum birth, if your baby is large, if you have been a long time in the second “pushing” stage or if your baby is showing distress.
You’ll be given a local anaesthetic to numb the area before the procedure, and the cut will then be stitched up afterwards, but it’s likely that you’ll feel perineal discomfort for two or three weeks after.
Around 90% of first-time mums who have a vaginal delivery (rather than a caesarean) will have an episiotomy, or some sort of perineal tear or graze. But even if you don’t have a tear or cut there, your perineum will probably feel sore for at least a few days after giving birth.
How can I ease perineal pain after birth?
These are a few things to do to ease any pain in your perineum...
Take a warm bath
A bath can be a great pain reliever – and a good chance to relax. There is no evidence that adding herbal products such as witch hazel or aloe vera or even salt encourages healing to take place any quicker than just using plain water. And sometimes these products can be a source of further irritation.
Take painkillers
Over the counter drugs like paracetamol and ibuprofen will help you control the pain. But you must avoid aspirin if you’re breastfeeding.
An ice pack, or some ice cubes wrapped in a towel, may ease the pain when you put it on your perineum. But remember not to put ice directly onto your perineum, as this can hurt the skin.
Cushions and rings
Sitting on an air-filled rubber ring, or ‘valley’ cushion (which has two inflatable airbags on either side) can help, as it relieves pressure on the perineum. However, you mustn’t sit on them for more than thirty minutes – as it can restrict your circulation, which may cause swelling and further discomfort.

Will it hurt to go to the loo when I have perineal pain?
It will hurt when you go to the loo, as it puts pressure on your perineum. Pouring some warm water over the outer area of your vagina as you wee can help with the pain. Also try to squat – rather than sit down – over the toilet, as this can also help to relieve pain.
Having a poo can be especially painful, particularly if you have stitches – as it puts pressure on them. To relieve this, you can try putting a clean pad against the cut. It may also be a good idea, if it’s particularly painful, to take a simple laxative, so you poo more easily and without putting so much pressure on your perineum.
When should I see a doctor?
If perineal pain lasts for longer than 2 to 3 weeks and is not easing, you should speak to your midwife, GP or health visitor.
And you should see a doctor immediately if you think there is any sign of your perineal cut becoming infected as this can lead to serious illness.
Signs of infection include:
- Red and/or swollen skin
- Persistent perineal pain that doesn’t go away
- A funny smell
- Pus or liquid coming out of the cut
To reduce the risk of infection, bath or shower daily, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before and after going to the toilet, and change your sanitary pad frequently.