Everything you need to know about having a water birth

What is a water birth?
A water birth is where you labour and give birth in a pool. Water birth is a birth place option for you and your baby and should be discussed to enable you to make an informed choice. If you would like to give birth in a birthing pool at home or in hospital, talk to your midwife to discuss the facilities available in your area.
Birth pools are available in most maternity units, or alternatively you can hire one to use at home.
The advantages of a water birth
- Increased sense of control
- Relaxing, secure, warm environment
- Less need for pain relief as pain threshold appears increased
- A dimmed room and birthing pool may feel more private than a bright labour ward, helping you relax even more
- The buoyancy of the water makes you feel lighter and enables you to get into more comfortablepositions for the final stages or keeping you more upright - which gives you the advantage of working with gravity as your baby is born.
The disadvantages of a water birth
- You may have to leave the pool if a complication at delivery develops
- Occasionally contractions diminish
- Cost of pool hire if having a home birth
When should I get into a birthing pool?
The best part of a water birth is you can get into the birthing pool whenever you like, it's completely up to you. However, you may feel a little unbalanced so it's important to ensure your birthing partner or your Midwife are around to help you in and out.
What happens during labour if I have a water birth?
Breathing techniques learnt during the antenatal period or following the guidance from your midwife are a useful way of coping with the pain when labouring in the water. Women often find that having a back massage during the contractions is also helpful. Entonox (gas and air) can also be used whilst in the water both in the hospital and home setting.
Note: you must not use TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) in water as this is electrical and therefore unsafe for both you and your baby.
Your midwife will monitor you and your baby’s wellbeing and progress during your labour.
Can I have a water birth?
Most women are able to have a water birth if they choose. However there are some situations where you will be advised against this. Some cases will need further discussion with your midwife or obstetrician to determine the suitability.
If you have the following it will not be advised to use the birthing pool:
- If your baby is pre term (less than 37 weeks)
- If your baby has passed meconium
- If you have been advised to have continuous monitoring of your baby’s heart rate (CTG)
- If you have vaginal bleeding
- If you have an infection
- If you have a medically complex pregnancy, for example with pre eclampsia
- If you are being induced with a hormone drip
- If your waters have been broken for longer than 24 hours
- If you are expecting twins or multiples
- If your baby is breech
Can my baby drown if I give birth in water?
This is a very common question, however it is very unlikely. Babies don't need to breathe when they are in the womb as they get the oxygen they need from your placenta. When a baby is born in water, their body behaves just like it's still in the womb, until they take their first breath of air, which is when their lungs will open up. Once your little one is born in the water, you and your midwife will bring them to the surface slowly so that your baby is only under the water for a very short time.
What should I wear for a water birth?
Again, this is a really common question, but you can wear whatever is comfortable. Many women will choose to wear a bikini or tankini whilst others will just wear a bra. You can also wear a t-shirt or a vest top if you'd like to be a little more covered or you can choose to be naked. It is recommended to take your bottom half off so that the midwife can see easily what is happening as you approach birth.
Are there any risks of infection?
There is no statistical evidence that there is any more risk of an infection to both you and your baby with a water birth.
Hospitals are meticulous when cleaning pools after every water birth and do regular checks to ensure that the pool is left hygienic after use.
There are several reasons why you may need to get out of the birthing pool
- Your labour is progressing too slowly
- There is a problem with your baby’s heartbeat
- You start bleeding during labour
- Your blood pressure is raised
- If you feel faint or drowsy
- You would like additional pain relief such as pethidine or an epidural
- You no longer wish to use the birthing pool – you can get out at any time
Following the birth of your baby, you may wish to remain or get out of the pool whilst your placenta is delivered. During this time, you can cuddle your baby and use this time for skin-to-skin contact and bonding with your baby.
Is a water birth safe for your baby?
Babies born into warm water often appear far more relaxed and often don’t cry until they are dried and exposed to the air. It is thought that the pool feels like the comforting waters of your womb to your baby. Supporters of birthing pools believe that the transition to the outside world is less traumatic for babies who are born in water.