How your relationship may change now you're a new mum

Finding out that your two-some is going to become three (or even four or five!) is an incredibly exciting time for parents-to-be. But welcoming an additional little person into your lives can also be challenging - especially when it comes to your relationship.
While in some ways having a baby can bring couples closer together, there are also things that can cause great tensions. Lack of sleep, having little or no time for each other and trying to navigate the uncharted waters of parenthood can sometimes leave you both feeling overwhelmed and disconnected.
What to expect and how your relationship might change
Going from carefree couple to operation baby can be tough. New dads may struggle with no longer being the centre of their partner’s world, while Mum might feel under huge pressure to ‘instinctively’ know what to do. (You won’t.)
Sleep deprivation and perpetual tiredness can also have a huge impact on relationships and can inevitably be a source of conflict. So can lack of time. Where you once had seemingly limitless time to spend with your other half, there’s now a new dynamic and a new little person who commands your undivided attention - which again can leave you feeling exhausted.
You may also have financial changes to adjust to which can cause feelings of unease. When two salaries become one, or you’re on limited maternity pay, one parent may suddenly feel under pressure to financially provide for the family, while the other may struggle with losing their financial independence.
There’s no getting away from it; the transition to family life can be hard. But there are some things you can do to help get through those early days and weeks, which may even make your relationship stronger...
Manage your expectations
The reality of caring for a newborn, where day is night and night is day can be very different to the edited versions we see on social media. There will be times (many, many times!) you feel like you literally have no clue as to what you’re doing. Be prepared for the first few weeks to mainly be about survival. Keep your expectations low and your self love high. It will get easier.
Let it go...
Couples can also help each other by showing forgiveness and understanding when tempers fray and you exchange 3am expletives. Rather than bicker over who is the most tired (this will happen - a lot) try to show each other support and kindness. And above all, be kind to yourself - you’re doing a great job.
Just keep talking, just keep talking...
Although it may be the last thing you feel like, making the effort to talk about your day and how you’re feeling is important for staying connected and keeping resentment at bay. When tensions reach fever pitch (they will at times!) address the underlying emotional issues. Always leave talking until you’re both feeling calm and are prepared to really listen without pointing the finger. Remember, you’re on the same team!
Make time for each other
It may feel like there is none going spare, but try to make time for each other - even if ‘s just an hour snuggled on the sofa as baby naps - or dialling in a takeaway to spare you cooking. Staying connected as a couple will mean you’re more equipped to stay strong when you’re thrown a newborn curveball.
And time for yourself...
Time for yourself is also vital. Not only will scheduling some self care help you feel more human, you’ll also have more energy for your relationship as well as for baby. And of course, while you’re getting some downtime, your partner can steal some extra bonding time with baby. Win, win!
When the time is right: date night!
When you’re feeling up to it, get the babysitter in and go on a date! Spending some time together away from the pressures of parenthood and enjoying some conversation that doesn’t involve nappies and reflux can do wonders for making you feel like a couple again. Literally the best tonic.
Let’s talk about sex...
Recovering from the physical and emotional impact of birth can take weeks or even months, so don’t put pressure on yourself to have sex before you’re ready. Be honest with your partner about how you’re feeling and find other ways to get close and connect. It might not be the passion-fest you once enjoyed (for now) but there’s a lot to be gained from holding hands and a being lost in a warm hug.
Will our relationship ever be the same again?
While having children changes the dynamic of your relationship, remember it won’t always be a tiring and intense as when you have a newborn to care for. The transition from couple to family can feel like a struggle at times, but just like all your greatest adventures together, it can also bring you closer.
10 little things you can do to stay close after childbirth
- Don’t sweat the small things
- Say one supportive thing to each other every day
- Talk about your feelings
- Do little things to make each other feel cared for and included
- Make time for each other when you can
- Make time for yourself
- Speak up when you’re struggling
- Practise forgiveness and understanding
- Go on a date
- Hug often