incontinence after childbirth

Although people may not talk about it much, urinary incontinence after giving birth is a common problem.
It just means that you wee or leak urine without meaning too. It usually happens when you laugh, sneeze, cough, move suddenly, exercise, or even get up from a sitting position.
If it’s happening to you, then don’t worry - it is a common problem after giving birth and there is lots of help out there, and things you can do yourself, to treat the problem.
Here’s your guide to incontinence after birth…
What causes post-pregnancy incontinence?
The most common reason for incontinence after labour is weak pelvic floor muscles, the weight of your baby pressing against these muscles during pregnancy weakens them, as does the process of giving birth.
The after-effects of an epidural may also lead to short-lived urinary incontinence – as you may not be able to feel the need to wee for a few days after labour. The catheter that’s inserted during an epidural can also cause problems, but this normally clears after a few days.
How common is incontinence after birth?
Very. According to a survey carried out by NCT a third of new mums suffer from urinary incontinence in the first three months after having their baby. But half of those surveyed said they were embarrassed to talk about it with friends, so it’s more common than you may think.
How can I prevent urinary incontinence after labour?
One of the best ways to prevent post-pregnancy incontinence is to start doing pelvic floor exercises while you’re pregnant so that you strengthen them ahead of your labour. Here’s how you do them:
- For the slow type, tighten your muscles around your back passage (anus), drawing them in as if you’re trying to prevent a bowel movement or wind
- At the same time, draw in your vagina as if you’re gripping a tampon, and your urethra as if to stop the flow of urine
- Hold each squeeze for about 10 seconds, or as long as you can, and then slowly relax the muscles and rest them before you do another. Aim to squeeze and rest for the same number of seconds
- For the fast type, tighten in the same way and then immediately release the muscles.
Try to do these exercises three times every day; each time do ten slow, followed by ten fast. To help you remember, you could do a set at each mealtime.
Physical exercise, such as walking and swimming, won’t harm your baby and will help your overall muscle tone so you should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate- intensity activity per week throughout your pregnancy.
After you’ve given birth it’s really important to carry on your pelvic floor exercises. They are safe to start in the first few days after giving birth and should be built up as you feel able.
There are also other things you can do to help improve the symptoms in the months after your baby is born such as keeping caffeine and alcohol intake low and maintaining a healthy weight.
Can incontinence after childbirth be treated?
If your incontinence does not improve in the 6 weeks after the birth, then you should go and see your GP. Your doctor will assess the type and severity of the problem you are having and may ask to carry out a pelvic examination.
Your doctor may also refer you to an NHS continence services ( in some areas you can refer yourself without seeing a GP), where specialist staff will help you with the problem. There is no reason to feel embarrassed about talking to your GP or nurse about incontinence – it is a very common problem – and it’s important to seek help early to prevent incontinence becoming a long term problem.
Is bowel incontinence after childbirth normal?
Bowel incontinence is when you poo without wanting too and, although less common than urinary incontinence, it also affects many new mothers. It happens when the sphincter muscles become stretched and damaged during a vaginal delivery. This can happen with a forceps delivery, but can also occur due to a big baby, a long labour, or when the baby is born with their head facing the mum’s back.
If you have bowel incontinence after birth then you should go and see your GP, who will be able to help. It’s a common problem and GPs are used to dealing with it, so don’t be embarrassed. The most important thing is not to suffer in silence, as help is available.