What is diastasis recti?

When you’re pregnant - and after you’ve had your baby - your body changes.
One common bodily change is diastasis recti, which is also known as separated stomach muscles, divarication or ‘mummy tummy’. This can cause you to still look pregnant even after you’ve given birth.
But what is diastasis recti? Why does it occur? And what are the diastasis recti symptoms?
Here’s the lowdown on what it is, why it happens, and what you can do about it...
What is diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti happens when your growing womb pushes your abdominal (six-pack) muscles apart to allow room for your baby to grow. This makes them longer and weaker so, in the later stages of pregnancy or after you’ve had your baby you might notice a bulge down the front of your abdomen, both above and below the belly button.
What are the diastasis rectus symptoms?
There is a simple way to check for diastasis rectus symptoms: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor, with your top rolled up so you can see your tummy. Tuck your chin in towards your chest and gently lift your head and shoulders up from the floor. Diastasis recti symptoms can be seen in the form of a dome down the middle of your tummy, which shows your muscles have separated.
Why have I developed diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is more likely to occur if:
- You have a twin pregnancy
- Your baby is large
- You are overweight
- Your labour is longer than usual
- Your abdominal muscles are weak e.g. from a previous pregnancy
- If you carry heavy objects regularly
Are there diastasis recti exercises I can do to help get my muscles back in shape?
Yes. Diastasis recti exercises are an excellent way to help your muscles to strengthen and come together again. One way is through pelvic floor exercises, which you can do while lying down, sitting or standing up. There are two types of pelvic floor exercises to do- fast and slow. Follow this routine:
- For the slow type, tighten the muscles around your back passage, drawing them in as if you’re trying to prevent a bowel movement or wind.
- At the same time, draw in your vagina as if you’re gripping a tampon, and your urethra as if to stop the flow of urine .
- Hold each squeeze for about 10 seconds, or as long as you can, and theen slowly relax the muscles and rest them before you do another. Aim to squeeze and rests for the same number of seconds.
- For the fast type, tighten the muscles in the same way and then immediately release the muscles.
- Try to do these exercises three times every day; each time do ten slow, followed by ten fast. To help you remember, you could do a set at each mealtime.
- Try to breathe normally while you do these exercises, and make sure you do not pull in your stomach or squeeze your buttocks when you squeeze.
Diastasis recti exercises for your deep tummy muscles will also help you. Here’s how you do them:
- Lie on your back or your side with your knees bent up and your feet flat, but with the normal inward curve in your lower back throughout
- Place your fingers on your lower abdominal wall, just inside your pelvic bones
- Imagine you are wearing a low-slung belt across your hips and gently draw in the area between your tummy button and pubic bone towards your spine, as if you were trying to do the belt up a few notches.
- Hold this position for as long as you can, then relax and repeat a few times
- As you become stronger, you can increase how long you hold for – but don’t go over ten seconds. You can also do the exercises while sitting or standing.
Things to avoid if you have diastasis recti
In order not to worsen the problem avoid:
- Heavy lifting or bending
- Constipation and straining at the toilet
- Holding your baby on one hip
- Doing sit ups or abdominal crunches that can cause excessive strain on the muscles
- Sitting directly up from a lying position- instead, roll over on to your side before pushing yourself up
How long will diastasis recti last?
Your stomach muscles will usually go back to normal by the time your baby is eight weeks old. Diastasis recti exercises will help with this. If you still have an obvious gap at eight weeks, then your muscles may still be long and weak. This can put you at risk of back problems, so you should speak to your health visitor or GP. They may refer you to a physiotherapist, who will give you some specific exercises to do. They will also teach you the correct techniques for posture, lifting and walking.
Is surgery for diastasis recti ever needed?
Where there is a large, persisting gap in the abdominal muscles, and physical exercises, along with physiotherapy support, have not led to a significant improvement, women sometimes consider surgery. The operation involves surgically bringing the separated muscles together. As it is a cosmetic procedure it is not routinely offered on the NHS.