Pre-eclampsia: Symptoms and Treatments

What is pre-eclampsia?
Mild pre-eclampsia affects up to 10% of first-time pregnancies, while more severe pre-eclampsia affects between 1-2% of pregnancies. Severe pre-eclampsia is serious for both mother and baby so your midwife will look for any signs of the condition at your antenatal checkups. Pre-eclampsia rarely happens before the 20th week of pregnancy and most cases don’t occur until the third trimester. However, it can sometimes occur after birth, generally in the first few days and more uncommonly in the first weeks.
What causes pre-eclampsia?
The exact cause of pre-eclampsia in pregnancy is not known, but it is thought to result from a problem with the placenta; the organ that links the baby’s blood supply with the mothers.
Signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia
The early signs of pre-eclampsia are high blood pressure and protein in the urine. At your antenatal checks your midwife will measure your blood pressure, and check your urine and ask about symptoms such as headaches or visual disturbances. As pre-eclampsia develops more symptoms occur, these include sudden swelling of the hands, face and feet, severe headaches, blurring or flashing lights in the vision, pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting, excessive weight gain due to fluid retention and feeling generally unwell.
If you experience any of these symptoms you must seek medical advice immediately.
Who is at higher risk of pre-eclampsia?
You are at higher risk if you are a first-time mother, if you are carrying more than one baby, or you have had pre-eclampsia before.
Other risk factors include a family history of pre-eclampsia, being very overweight, aged over 40, having a large gap inbetween pregnancies or suffer from diabetes, auto immune conditions, kidney disease or high blood pressure prior to pregnancy.
Your midwife may advise you to see your medical practitioner as some women are prescribed a low dose of aspirin from 12 weeks.
What are the risks for mum?
If pre-eclampsia isn’t diagnosed and monitored some rare, but serious, complications can develop. These include eclampsia, a type of seizure that can be life-threatening for both mother and baby, HELLP syndrome which is a rare but serious liver and blood clotting disorder, kidney or liver failure and a stroke.
Will pre-eclampsia hurt my baby?
Pre-eclampsia can also slow the baby's growth; in severe cases the baby will becomes distressed so that the only option is immediate delivery, even if it means the baby is born prematurely. There are risks associated with premature delivery so your Doctors will weight up the benefits of delivering the baby early or keeping them inside for longer.
It is important that you monitor your baby’s movements, and contact your maternity unit if you think your baby is moving less than usual.
Pre-eclampsia treatment
During your pregnancy you may be prescribed medication to control your blood pressure and both you and your baby will be closely monitored by the obstetric team. If your signs and symptoms worsen then pre-eclampsia may be diagnosed.
Pre-eclampsia can only be resolved by delivering the baby so you will be closely monitored until delivery is possible. You will need to give birth in hospital. If pre-eclampsia is severe you will be admitted to hospital where immediate delivery may be required, even if the baby is born prematurely.
Once you have had pre-eclampsia your risk of developing it in a future pregnancy is raised, especially if it was severe. You also have an increased risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) and cardiovascular disease in later life.
It is especially important that you look after your cardiovascular health after pregnancy by keeping your weight normal, being active, eating a healthy diet and not smoking.
Make an appointment with your practice nurse to discuss how to keep your risk factors low.
For more information, visit Action on Pre-Eclampsia.
Will I develop Pre-eclampsia in a future pregnancy?
If you experienced Pre-eclampsia in a pregnancy it does mean you are more likely to develop it in future pregnancies. Around 1 in 6 women will go on to develop Pre-eclampsia in a future pregnancy.
If you had pre-eclampsia you will have close monitoring in future pregnancies in case you go on to develop it again.
You may wish to have a pre conception appointment with your GP if you experienced severe pre-eclampsia.