Antenatal and Postnatal Anxiety Disorders
It’s quite natural to feel some anxiety during pregnancy and in the first months after the birth – after all, being pregnant, giving birth and becoming a parent are life-changing events.
What is postnatal anxiety?
According to AnxietyUK postnatal anxiety is something that new mothers experience after having a baby; having a baby isn't just a change physically but hormonally and emotionally. Both of which can lead a person to become more anxious than is usual for them.
When anxiety becomes a problem
It’s only when these feelings start to affect your everyday life that it becomes a problem.
It can be hard to know whether your feelings of anxiety are normal or if there’s a problem. As a general guide, if you experience some or all of the following symptoms you should tell your midwife, GP or health visitor how you are feeling.
Symptoms of postnatal anxiety
- Feeling over-anxious all the time
- Constant worry about your baby during pregnancy and after the birth
- Lack of concentration
- Feeling tense and irritable all the time
- Difficulty in relaxing
- Disturbing thoughts
- Avoidance of situations that make you anxious
- Panic attacks
Panic attacks
These are a common type of anxiety problem and can be very frightening. Panic attacks usually happen without warning and for no apparent reason. They usually last for between 5-20 minutes with symptoms being at their worst within 10 minutes. Although panic attacks don’t harm you either mentally or physically, they can cause many unpleasant symptoms including:
- breathing difficulties
- palpitations
- trembling
- sweating
- pain or tightness in the chest
- feeling out of control
- dizziness, feeling faint or loss of balance.
You should see your GP if you experience any of these symptoms.
Perinatal Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
If you get OCD in pregnancy or after the birth it is known as ‘perinatal OCD’. The obsessions and compulsions you experience may focus on your baby, although this isn’t always the case. Often the compulsion is closely related to the obsession, so for example, fear of germs harming your baby can lead to compulsive cleaning and washing of hands. If you already have OCD, pregnancy and childbirth can make it worse, although this is not always the case. If perinatal OCD starts in pregnancy it may continue after the birth.
How to combat anxiety and getting help
It’s really important to talk to your healthcare professionals about how you are feeling so that they can support you and help you to manage these feelings. Sometimes no treatment is required, but in more severe cases your GP may refer you to a specialist. Talking treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) may be recommended alongside self-help techniques.
Find out more about antenatal depression and anxiety disorders
For more information & support:
Anxiety UKopens in a new tab/window
No panic opens in a new tab/window
MINDopens in a new tab/window