Having a breech birth

By the end of pregnancy, most babies have turned to lie with their heads down ready to be born. But sometimes the baby lies with their bottom or feet first, which is called the breech position. This can make the birth more complicated, but does not usually mean you or your baby will have problems.
What is breech birth?
In early pregnancy, when your baby is small, it’s very common for them to be lying in the breech position because they have lots of space to move around. By 36 weeks, most babies have moved into the usual head-down position ready to be born. However, sometimes the baby remains in the breech position. About 3-4 babies in every 100 are in the breech position at the end of pregnancy.
Should I be worried if my baby is in breech position?
Being breech may mean that you are more likely to need a caesarean section, but it does not usually mean you or your baby will come to any harm. Your midwife and doctor will discuss any risks with you, and make sure you get the right care from experts trained in looking after breech babies. They will be able to answer any questions you have.
What causes a breech birth to happen?
There may be no obvious reason for your baby being in the breech position – it might just be chance. However, there are some things that make it more likely that your baby will be breech. These include:
- Being in your first pregnancy
- Your placenta lying low in your womb (placenta praevia)
- Having too much, or too little amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios)
- Having more than one baby
Your baby is also more likely to be born breech if they come early (before 37 weeks).
What happens if my baby is breech at 36 weeks pregnant?
If your baby is still lying in the breech position when you are 36 weeks pregnant, your midwife or doctor will usually offer you a procedure called an external cephalic version (ECV). This is a way of trying to turn your baby by applying pressure to your tummy. This is safe for your baby, although it may be a bit uncomfortable for you. A doctor or a specially trained midwife will carry out the ECV in hospital, and you can usually go home later the same day. An ECV is successful for around half the women who have it. If the first ECV doesn’t work, it’s possible to have a second try on another day.
If your baby does not turn around and stays in the breech position, your midwife or doctor will discuss with you the best options for their safe delivery.
Is there anything I can do myself to turn my baby?
Having ECV is the best way to encourage your baby to turn. There is no evidence that sitting or lying in particular positions can help baby to turn.
There is a small amount of evidence that suggests using Moxibustion (mugwort) may encourage your baby to turn into the head down position. Speak to your midwife who can advise how and when to use this.
How will a breech baby be born?
Depending on your situation, there are two choices for delivery if your baby is breech:
- A planned caesarean section
- a planned vaginal delivery
Your midwife or doctor should explain the benefits and risks of each of these, to help you make the best decision. They will explain that a planned caesarean section is safer for your baby than a vaginal birth. However, it carries a little more risk for you as it involves a surgical operation, and it might cause problems in future pregnancies. A caesarean section is the most common way for a breech baby to be born.
If, after discussion with your doctor or midwife you choose to have a vaginal birth,it is recommended this take place in hospital. There you will have a healthcare team experienced in delivering breech babies, and you will be in the best place if you need an emergency caesarean.
Your midwife or doctor may advise you not to choose a vaginal delivery if:
- Your baby is a ‘footling’ breech, where one or both feet are below their bottom
- Your baby is smaller or larger than average
- Your baby is in a particular position which would make delivery difficult, such as with their head tilted back
- You have a low lying placenta
- You have pregnancy problems such as pre-eclampsia
After Birth
If your baby was born in the breech position, or was in the breech position after 36 weeks your baby will have a hip scan arranged for a few weeks after birth. This will take place around 6 weeks after the birth and will check for hip dysplasia. It is a non-invasive ultrasound scan to ensure the hips are stable.
What is a transverse lie?
This is when your baby is lying sideways across your womb. Many babies lie like this early in pregnancy, but they usually turn head down in the third trimester, sometimes it’s possible for your baby to be manually turned to a head down position- your doctor will advise you. If your baby continues to lie sideways, you may be admitted to hospital for a week or two before your due date. This is because there is a risk that the umbilical cord will come out of your womb before your baby is born (cord prolapse).
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