Coping with DVT and PE during pregnancy

What is DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)?
DVT is a blood clot that forms in the deep vein of the leg, thigh or pelvis. It is a serious condition because the blood clot may break off and travel to the lungs where it becomes stuck.. A blood clot in the lungs is known as a pulmonary embolism (PE) and can be life threatening
Although very serious, a DVT is uncommon and occurs in around 1-2 out of 1000 women.
Pregnancy risk factors
Although not common in pregnancy, there is a higher risk of developing DVT and PE during pregnancy and the first six weeks after the birth. This risk is further increased if you
- Are over 35
- Have a BMI of over 30
- Have a history of blood clots, or have a close family member who has had a DVT or PE
- Are carrying more than one baby
- Become dehydrated, perhaps through severe morning sickness
Are immobile for long periods, for example travelling for more than four hours without a break
Have severe varicose veins - Have had a recent serious infection
- Have had fertility treatment
- Smoke
- Have had 3 or more babies
- Have a blood clotting disorder
- Are a wheelchair user
- Suffer from severe pre-eclampsia
- Have a Caesarean or a long labour (over 24 hours)
- Lose a lot of blood at birth, or need a blood transfusion
Symptoms of DVT
- Leg pain, usually only in one leg
- Swelling in the leg, usually only in one leg
- A tender, red patch, often but not exclusively behind the knee
- Pain in the leg when standing or moving around
If you experience any of these symptoms you should seek medical advice urgently from your midwife or Doctor.
Symptoms of PE
- Sudden shortness of breath
- Tightness in the chest or chest pain
- Feeling very ill and collapsing
If you experience any of these symptoms you should ring 999 for emergency medical attention.
If a DVT is suspected the doctor will examine your leg and may suggest an ultrasound scan of your leg veins. Tests for a PE may include an ECG, a chest X-ray r a lung scan, a CT pulmonary angiogram or a VQ scan.
Treatment for PE
A drug called heparin, which thins the blood will be used to prevent the clot getting any bigger. This will enable your body to slowly dissolve the clot over time and reduce the risk of developing another clot in your leg or a PE.
The drug is given by injection and the treatment will continue throughout the remainder of your pregnancy and until at least six weeks after the birth. The drug does not cross the placenta so there is no risk to your baby and your pregnancy is likely to continue normally.
You may notice some bruising from the injection.
You will also be given compression stockings to wear to help the blood flow around your legs.
Labour and birth
The injections will be stopped as soon as labour begins. If you aren’t sure, call your midwife to check. If labour is being induced, or a Caesarean is planned, the injections will be stopped 24 hours before.
Once your baby is born treatment will resume and continue for at least another six weeks. The drugs you will be offered are safe to take while breastfeeding.
Risks to my baby
Heparin is very safe to take during pregnancy. It does not pass through the placenta, so will not cause any harm to your baby.
It is safe to breastfeed whilst taking heparin.
There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the risk:
• Keep active and take regular exercise
• Avoid excess weight gain during pregnancy
• Drink plenty of water
• Don’t drink alcohol
• Avoid sitting still for long periods
• On long journeys perform leg exercises such as regularly flexing your ankle
• Don’t smoke
What happens after birth?
You will resume the treatment after birth, for at least 6 weeks, sometimes longer depending on when you were diagnosed.
You will have a follow up appointment to discuss contraception as methods that contain oestrogen are not suitable.
In future pregnancies you will take heparin as a precaution.
Travelling with DVT
Travelling for more than 4 hours without a break can increase the risk of developing a DVT.
Whilst travelling it is important that you take regular breaks, drink plenty of water and do some leg exercises, such as flexing your ankles.