Group B Strep (GBS) in pregnancy

What is Group B Strep?
Group B Streptococcus (also known as GBS or Group B Strep) is a type of bacteria that you can carry, usually in your gut, or your vagina and rectum (bowel). It’s not a sexually transmitted infection or a sign of poor health, and it’s common – around three in 10 women carry the bacteria in the UK. It doesn’t usually cause any problems but if you’re pregnant, there’s a chance it could affect your baby when you go into labour. Your midwife will give you information about Group B Strep so you know what to expect.
The risks of Strep B in pregnancy
Most pregnant women who carry Group B Strep won’t have any ill effects in their pregnancy. But as your baby can come into contact with the bacteria when you go into labour, there’s a small chance this can cause problems.
They could potentially develop an infection and become seriously ill. The infection could cause sepsis (blood poisoning), pneumonia (lung infection) and meningitis (infection of the fluid and linings of the brain), all of which can be life threatening. But it’s important to remember that many babies who come into contact with Group B Strep don’t become ill at all. And if they do, with prompt treatment most babies will fully recover.
Will I be tested for Group B Strep in pregnancy?
In the UK, screening for Group B Strep is not done routinely in pregnancy, but it’s sometimes picked up by chance during tests for other conditions (usually through vaginal swabs or urine tests). If it is picked up on a vaginal swab then no further action is needed until labour. If it is picked up on a urine test, you may require a short course of oral antibiotics, as well as antibiotics during labour.
New guidelines from The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) now recommend that women who have tested positive for GBS in a previous pregnancy have a test done in subsequent pregnancies to see if they are still carrying GBS. The test, which involves a vaginal and rectal swab, will be offered between 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.
If you are told you are carrying the bacteria at any point, ask your GP or midwife for more information.
Some women choose to have a GBS test privately; if you test positive, please inform your midwife.
What can increase the risk of an infection?
Several things can increase the risk of a Group B Strep infection passing from you to your baby. The chance is higher if:
- You have had a baby previously who developed the infection
- You have a high temperature (380C or more) during labour
- You go into labour before 37 weeks of pregnancy – the earlier your baby is born the greater the risk
- Your baby is born more than 24 hours after your waters break.
Protecting babies at higher risk of a Strep B infection and reducing the risk of transmission
Antibiotics can reduce the risk of your baby getting ill if they’re at more risk of getting infected with Group B Strep. You will be offered antibiotics through a drip when you go into labour if:
- Group B Strep has been found in your urine, vagina or rectum during this pregnancy
- You have had a previous baby who was affected by Group B Strep
- Your waters break after 37 weeks of your pregnancy and you are known to carry Group B Strep – your healthcare team will also offer to induce you straight away, which will reduce the time that your baby is exposed to Group B Strep before you give birth
- You haven’t been found to carry Group B Strep but develop any signs of an infection, such as a urinary tract infection, when you’re in labour
- You go into labour before you reach 37 weeks, even if you don’t know if you carry Group B Strep
Your midwife or doctor will talk through the benefits and risks of taking antibiotics in labour.
What are my options for birth?
If you have GBS in this pregnancy or have previously had a baby with a GBS infection, then you will be recommended to have antibiotics during labour. These are given through a drip into your vein and reduce the risk that your baby will develop a GBS infection.
Because the antibiotics go into your vein, this means that it may not be possible for you to have a homebirth, or to use some midwifery led units. Check with your midwife what your options are.
You will still be able to move around and use the birthing pool if you wish if you are having the antibiotics.
If you are having a planned caesarean, you do not need antibiotics at the time of birth, unless you have already gone into labour.
Signs of an early-onset Strep B infection in newborn babies
It’s important to look out for the signs of a Group B Strep infection in your baby. Most babies develop symptoms within 12 hours of being born. If you are known to have GBS during this pregnancy, your baby will have some extra monitoring after they are born.
Get medical advice straightaway if your baby:
- Is unusually floppy and unresponsive
- Is behaving differently, for example, they’re crying inconsolably, or are listless
- Is having difficulties feeding
- Has a high or low temperature (higher than 38°C or lower than 36°C)
- Has a fast or slow heart rate
- Is breathing more rapidly or slowly than usual, or sounds like their grunting
- Is irritable
- Has changes in their skin colour (including blotchy skin)
If tests show a GBS infection your baby will be given immediate antibiotics through a drip.
Signs of late-onset Group B Strep infection in babies
Late-onset Group B Strep can occur between the 7th and 90th day of your baby’s life. In these cases your little one is presumed to have been infected after their birth. It’s important to note that the exact mode transmission in late-onset disease is unclear.
Remember Strep B infections are rare
While these infections are thankfully rare, early diagnosis and treatment is critical, so if you think your baby is developing signs of an infection, seek immediate medical attention.