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Your guide to rhesus disease in pregnancy

rhesus disease in pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting journey, but it can also bring about various concerns and health considerations. One such concern is rhesus disease, a condition that can affect pregnant women who have rhesus negative blood (RhD negative) and are carrying a baby with rhesus positive blood (RhD positive). Your baby can develop rhesus disease, which can then lead to severe complications if not identified and treated.  

If you are pregnant and know that you have RhD negative blood, then you may be worried about the possibility of your baby developing rhesus disease. But understanding the causes, signs, prevention methods, and treatment options associated with rhesus disease can put your mind at rest and stop you from worrying too much.

Here are some of the things you need to know and think about in regard to rhesus disease and pregnancy...

What is rhesus disease?

Rhesus disease is also known as haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn (HDFN). It is a condition that occurs in pregnant women and can affect the baby in the womb. If you have rhesus disease, the antibodies in your blood start to destroy your baby’s blood cells. It is rare and only happens when a pregnant woman with the RhD negative blood type is carrying a baby with the RhD positive blood type. If you have RhD negative blood – and the father of the baby has RhD positive blood – then you can have an RhD positive baby.

What causes rhesus disease?

The causes of rhesus disease lie in what is known as sensitisation, which is when a woman with RhD negative blood is exposed to blood that’s RhD positive. The most common way for this to happen is through a previous pregnancy with an RhD positive baby. The mixing of maternal and foetal blood causes the production of infection-fighting antibodies (known as anti-D antibodies) that recognise and destroy the foreign blood cells. This means that next time the body is exposed to RhD positive blood – during a subsequent pregnancy with an RhD positive baby – the mum’s body immediately produces the anti-D antibodies, which can carry over into the foetus through the placenta and cause rhesus disease in the baby.

What are the signs and symptoms of rhesus disease in pregnancy?

There are no symptoms of rhesus disease in the mother, so there will be no sign that you have it. The only way you’ll know you or your baby has it is through tests. If your baby develops rhesus disease in the womb, they may become anaemic because of antibodies destroying their red blood cells. This means their blood will be thinner and flow at a quicker rate than normal, which can be detected through what’s called a Doppler ultrasound scan. With severe anaemia, scans may also pick up other signs of rhesus disease, like internal swelling.

In a newborn baby, symptoms of rhesus disease include jaundice, a lack of energy, and muscle tone problems.

How is rhesus disease in pregnancy diagnosed?

You’ll have lots of tests and checks while you are pregnant, which will normally pick up rhesus disease. These blood tests are used to check for all sorts of conditions, but will also determine your blood type. If your blood is rhesus negative, your blood sample will be checked for the anti-D antibodies. If they are present, there's a risk that your unborn baby will be affected by rhesus disease. But that means your medical team will be alert to the possibility and will put extra monitoring in place to protect the health of your baby.

How can rhesus disease in pregnancy be prevented?

Rhesus disease in pregnancy is rare because rhesus negative blood is normally identified during a first pregnancy and treated with injections of anti-D immunoglobulin (known as anti-D injections) during the periods in the pregnancy where the mother may be exposed to the baby's red blood cells. This helps you avert the sensitisation that can lead to rhesus disease.

How will my baby be treated if they’re born with rhesus disease?

Rhesus disease is usually mild, with about 50% of cases needing little or no treatment - although your baby will need to be monitored to check that problems don’t develop later. In some more severe cases, phototherapy is used to treat rhesus disease, which uses a special lamp to lower the levels of bilirubin (a substance created when red blood cells break down) in your baby’s body. In the most severe cases of rhesus disease, a blood transfusion may be necessary to treat the disease. This can take place in the womb, or your baby may be delivered early so treatment can start.

Are there likely to be any long-term effects for my baby?

Treatment for rhesus disease is usually very effective, so there are unlikely to be any long-term effects for your baby and they will quickly get better. But if rhesus disease is not identified and treated early enough it can lead to problems such as hearing loss, sight loss, learning difficulties, and brain damage.


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