Vaccinations available during pregnancy

Your midwife will offer you vaccinations while you are pregnant to protect both you and your baby. Usually this will be a vaccination for whooping cough and a flu vaccination but sometimes you will need more vaccinations if you are at risk of certain diseases, or plan to travel.
What is a vaccination?
A vaccine is a type of medicine that helps your body’s immune system to develop antibodies against a disease. It may prevent you getting the disease, or reduce the severity of the disease if you do catch it. Having a vaccination when you are pregnant means you will pass the antibodies you develop on to your baby and help to protect them for their first few months of their life.
Whooping cough vaccination
Whooping cough is a serious infection, named after the characteristic whoops that happen during bouts of coughing. The disease is really infectious and young babies are most at risk of getting it. The illness is also more likely to be serious in babies and they can sometimes develop complications. Although rare, some babies even die from whooping cough. But don’t worry, you can help protect your baby.
Your midwife or GP will offer you a vaccination for whooping cough. Ideally you will have this when you are 16 weeks to 32 weeks pregnant to give your baby the best protection, but if you miss it for some reason, you can still have it right up until you go into labour.[
There is not a single vaccination for whooping cough. What you will be offered is a vaccine called Boostrix IPV that will also protect against polio, diphtheria and tetanus. As with any vaccine you can get mild symptoms of soreness or redness around the injection site, or a low-grade fever and fatigue lasting a couple of days.
The great thing is you pass the antibodies you develop against whooping cough on to your baby through your placenta. This will help protect them until they are old enough to have their own vaccination, the first of which is at eight weeks of age.
If you have had the whooping cough vaccination during a previous pregnancy, it is still a good idea to have it again because if you have it each time, it will maximise the transfer of antibodies to your baby. And do not worry about it harming your baby. Studies have shown that the whooping cough vaccination is safe to have while you are pregnant for you and your baby.
Flu vaccination during pregnancy
When you are pregnant, you are more vulnerable to infections, such as flu as you can’t fight them off as well. Flu is a really infectious disease that causes symptoms such as a sore throat, a headache, chills, aches and pains in your muscles, and knocks you back with extreme tiredness.
You are more likely to get seriously ill from the flu if you are pregnant. One complication of flu is bronchitis, a chest infection that can develop into pneumonia.
If you get the flu while pregnant, it can also cause problems for your baby, such as you going into labour and giving birth too soon.It’s possible that it may even lead to stillbirth or death. But again, don’t worry, there is a vaccination to reduce your chances of getting flu which will also help protect your baby from flu during those vulnerable first weeks of life.
If you get pregnant in the flu season in autumn/winter, your midwife will offer you the flu vaccination, usually at some stage between September and February.
You might get some mild side-effects from the flu vaccination, such as a slight temperature and aching muscles for a couple of days afterwards. But it’s important to know that the flu vaccination does not give you the flu. The vaccine is “ inactivated” which means it does not contain any “ live” virus, it is safe for pregnant women and it can be given at any point right up until your due date.
The COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy
The NHS advises pregnant women to have the COVID-19 vaccination as the antibodies your body produces in response to the vaccine itself can also provide your unborn baby with protection against the condition. It’s important to note that while pregnant, you are at a much higher risk of getting ill from COVID-19 so it is worth considering having this vaccine. The NHS states it is safe to have the COVID-19 vaccine at any stage of your pregnancy – from the first few weeks, all the way up to your due date.
Hepatitis B
Most women will just have the whooping cough and flu vaccinations but if you have a high risk of getting hepatitis B, your midwife may advise you to have a vaccination against it.Hepatitis B can be a serious illness in pregnant women and cause a long-lasting infection in babies.You can get infected from contact with an infected person's blood or other body fluids.
There is no evidence that the hepatitis B vaccination will do any harm to you or your baby.
Travel vaccinations
If you plan to go on holiday before you give birth, have a chat with your midwife about your plans. If you can, it is best to put off any travel to countries that require you to have any vaccination because some of these could potentially affect your baby. But if you can’t avoid travelling, it might be less risky for you to have the vaccination than getting the illness.Your GP will help you decide what to do.