Congratulations, you’re 24 weeks pregnant – and your belly may have “popped”!
24 weeks pregnant is how many months?
If you’re 24 weeks pregnant you’re in month 6 of pregnancy; only 3 more left!
Your baby at week 24 of your pregnancy
Baby is now gaining approximately 90g each week. The brain is growing and developing at a fast rate. At this stage your baby is starting to fill out and the deep wrinkles on the skin are gradually disappearing. The skin is becoming a little less translucent as pigment starts to deposit.
The lungs are now forming the branches of the respiratory system as well as surfactant cells. These cells produce a substance that will help the tiny alveoli or air sacs, to inflate after birth.
Your baby’s face is now completely formed and has eyebrows, lashes and hair. But, because there is no pigment yet, all the hair is white
It may feel that your baby is moving constantly at times and hiccups could be causing its little body to jolt. Your baby can hear all sorts of noises now, both inside and outside the uterus.
How big is my baby at 24 weeks pregnant?
Your baby is about the size of a small cantaloupe melon (600g) and measures 30cm...

Your body during week 24 of pregnancy
Your uterus has risen above your belly button and you may start to experience indigestion and heartburn as your growing abdomen puts pressure on your digestive system.
Your vision
Pregnancy hormones decreases tear production, which causes dry eyes and irritation. You may also find that your vision has become slightly blurred. This is because hormones have caused an increase in the curvature of your eye, which changes your vision. These changes are temporary and will disappear once the baby is born.
Your skin
You may notice that your skin, especially over your bump, is itchy. This is caused by pregnancy hormones and the increased volume of blood in the body. Wearing loose clothing in breathable fabrics such as cotton, and taking cool baths or showers can help.
Always tell you GP if the itching becomes severe, especially at night and if it is affecting the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, as this could be a sign of obstetric cholestasis, a rare pregnancy liver disease.
The whooping cough vaccination
Have you had the whooping cough vaccination yet? It's usually offered to pregnant women between 16 and 32 weeks pregnant and is important to consider.
Belly button changes
Have you noticed your belly button has gone from an innie to an outie? Welcome to the club! Don’t worry, things should return to normal after you’ve given birth.
Ami shares her experience and journey of pregnancy week 24
Your pregnancy belly at 24 weeks
Our amazing mums-to-be have shared photos of how their bump looked at 24 weeks pregnant...



It's important to note that every woman's pregnancy tummy at 24 weeks will look different so you shouldn't compare yourself to others.
Week 24 pregnancy symptoms
As your pregnancy progresses you may experience a few aches and pains around your ribs, back, breasts and pretty much everywhere else! This is due to your pregnancy hormones loosening your ligaments and muscles and because your baby keeps growing! Other symptoms you may feel are:
- Tiredness
- Stretch marks
- Swollen and bleeding gums
- Pains on the side of your bump
- Piles
- Headaches / Migraines
- Nosebleeds
- Darkened skin on your face or brown patches
- Greasier, spotty skin
- Blurred vision
Tips to keep in mind now you’re 24 weeks pregnant
- Eating, smaller, more frequent meals and taking a walk after you’ve eaten will help to ease heartburn.
- You should have booked any antenatal classes by now.
- If dry eyes are causing you a problem ask your GP about lubricating drops.