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Sophie Martin
Medically reviewed by
24th Aug 2022

Congratulations, you’re 39 weeks pregnant – you’re officially full term!

39 weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you’re 39 weeks pregnant you’re in month 9 of pregnancy; only a week or two left!

Your baby at week 39 of your pregnancy

Most of the lanugo is gone as the baby prepares for its final days in the womb.

The lungs are maturing and surfactant, a naturally occurring substance that reduces the surface tension of fluid in the lungs, is increasing. The brain is still developing rapidly and the skin has become much paler in appearance due to a thick layer of fat beneath the skin.

There's not too much room left inside now so your baby's movements may change, but you should still be able to feel your baby move just as frequently. After nine months of growth and development your baby is almost ready to be born. 

How big is my baby at 39 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is about the weight of a large watermelon 3.3kg and measures 50.7cm

Week 39 your baby is the size of a watermelon


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Your body during week 39 of pregnancy

You could go into labour at any time now so your body is preparing. Although you can’t feel it, your cervix is ripening in preparation for labour. You will notice more frequent and more intense Braxton Hicks contractions. Your uterus is taking up a great deal of space so you will be feeling very uncomfortable.

Signs of labour at 39 weeks pregnant

If this is your first pregnancy you may be worried that you won’t know when labour has started. Be prepared for some false alarms and trust your instincts. It will help to be aware of the signs that can indicate the beginning of labour, such as:

  • A ‘show’, which is when the plug of slightly bloody mucus that has been protecting your uterus from infection is discharged from the vagina.
  • A dull pain in your lower back could also indicate that things are about to start.
  • Your waters may break before contractions start, but this is more likely to happen once you are in established labour.


Begin writing down a list of everyone you will want to call after your baby is born and put it in your hospital bag


Your pregnancy belly at 39 weeks

Our mums-to-be have shared how their pregnancy tummy looked at 39 weeks...

39 weeks pregnancy belly


39 weeks pregnancy belly


Please remember that all pregnancy bumps are different so you shouldn't compare yours to others.

Week 39 pregnancy symptoms

  • Frequent urination
  • A change in your baby’s movements
  • Heartburn
  • Your mucus plug may make an appearance
  • Waters breaking
  • Pelvic pain
  • Braxton hicks
  • Breast changes

Tips to keep in mind now you’re 39 weeks pregnant

  • If you have any concerns about labour or the birth discuss them now with your healthcare professional. 
  • Phone your midwife if your waters break. Phone the hospital immediately if they break and are tinged with blood or greenish-black.
  • If you are travelling by car to the maternity unit have a few practice runs at different times of the day so you know how long the journey will take when it’s busy.
  • Napping is king! If you feel like you need a nap, take one!

Approved by healthcare team