Congratulations, you’re 40 weeks pregnant! The time to meet your baby is almost here!
40 weeks pregnant is how many months?
If you’re 40 weeks pregnant you’re officially at the end of 9 months!
Your baby at week 40 of your pregnancy
At 40 weeks pregnant it's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 3.5kg and is over 51cm long.
At this point, most of your baby’s vernix is gone, 15 percent of the body is fat and your baby is fully formed and beautiful.
It is worth remembering that only 5% of babies arrive on their due date and that it’s perfectly normal to give birth two weeks either side of this. Being one or two weeks after your estimated due date is not considered a cause for concern providing you and your baby are well.
How big is my baby at 40 weeks pregnant?
Your baby is now approximately the weight of a small pumpkin 3.5kg and measures 51.2cm...

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Your body during week 40 of pregnancy
Your uterus is taking up all the space in your pelvis and a lot of room in your abdomen so you will be feeling pretty uncomfortable. It is normal to feel impatient after months of anticipation, if your due date comes and goes and you are still pregnant.
Pre-labour signs and symptoms
You may be experiencing pre-labour and early labour symptoms, such as pre-labour contractions, which are often short and irregular, but stronger than Braxton Hicks contractions. Other symptoms include:
- Persistent lower backache
- A ‘show’ which is when the mucus plug that sealed the cervix comes away.
- While it much more common for the waters to break during labour, for some it can occur before labour has started.
Inform the maternity unit if your waters break as labour should begin within the next 24 hours. Inform the unit at once if the liquid is not straw like in colour as it may mean your baby is unwell.
First labours usually last between 12 and 16 hours. The natural hormones which help with contractions work best when you are relaxed and in a comfortable environment, which is more likely to be at home than in hospital. It’s best to stay at home
until the contractions are established, as the trip to the hospital can sometimes
cause contractions to stop if it is too early in the labour.
Contractions at 40 weeks pregnant
When your contractions start, they are likely to be spaced out, and then as the labour progresses they will come closer together. You can call your maternity unit whenever you wish to seek guidance and reassurance. If it is your first baby, a good time
to go to the hospital is when you are having 3-4 contractions in a ten minute period. This means your contractions will be coming every two or three minutes. If this is your second or subsequent baby, a good time to come to the hospital is when you
are having 1-2 contractions in a ten minute period. This means your contractions will be coming every five to ten minutes.
If you feel like your labour if progressing quickly, you have any concerns about you or your baby, you are worried about your baby’s movements, you feel unwell, your waters break or you have any vaginal bleeding when call your maternity assessment unit for advice and attend the unit.
Signs of labour at 40 weeks pregnant
If this is your first pregnancy you may be worried that you won’t know when labour has started. Be prepared for some false alarms and trust your instincts. It will help to be aware of the signs that can indicate the beginning of labour, such as:
- A ‘show’, which is when the plug of slightly bloody mucus that has been protecting your uterus from infection is discharged from the vagina.
- A dull pain in your lower back could also indicate that things are about to start.
- Your waters may break before contractions start, but this is more likely to happen once you are in established labour.
Week 40 pregnancy symptoms
- Braxton hicks
- Changes in your baby’s movements
- Diarrhoea
- Cervical dilation
- Pelvic pain
- Leg cramps
Tips to keep in mind now you’re 40 weeks pregnant
- Call the midwife or hospital immediately if you notice a decrease in baby’s movements or a change in the pattern.
- Call the midwife or hospital if you feel unwell or have any concerns.
- You may want to consider having a membrane sweep to get labour started
- Remember: You’ve got this!