In pregnancy the presence of severe gum disease has been linked to preterm birth and low weight babies as it is thought the disease releases toxins which can affect fetal growth and bring on preterm labour. So, while dental hygiene is important at any stage in life, it is especially important during pregnancy.
In pregnancy, hormones can affect your gums making them more prone to bleeding. Your gums can then become inflamed and more susceptible to infection which leads to decay. You're also more likely to get a build-up of plaque (a sticky deposit where bacterial grows) on your teeth.
Regular and thorough teeth cleaning (at least for 2 minutes) should already be part of your daily routine. If you are not sure you are doing it properly, speak with your dentist or dental hygienist about the best ways to clean your teeth and the best brushes and toothpastes to use.
Keeping on top of cleaning
If you don’t have a dentist, now is the time to sort that out and make regular check-up appointments. Dental care is free from the time your pregnancy is confirmed right through to your child's first birthday.
You simply need to apply for a maternity exemption certificate (form FW8) which you can get from your midwife.
When you visit your dentist make sure they know you are pregnant so that if there is a problem you will get treatment which is safe for you and your baby.
For example, dental x-rays are usually avoided unless absolutely necessary, particularly in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but there's no problem if you need a local anaesthetic for dental work.
It is also really important to let your dentist know if you are on any medication or if you have any other health problems during pregnancy.
Although there is no evidence that mercury amalgam fillings are a health risk, these are not recommended during pregnancy or while you are breastfeeding and you will also be advised not to have any amalgam fillings removed while you are pregnant.
Further treatment from your dentist will most likely include scaling and root planning, which removes tartar build-up and smooths the base of your teeth where they join the gums, to further prevent gum disease.
Untreated gum disorders can lead to a more serious disease called periodontitis which weakens the tissue and bone that keep your teeth fixed in your jaw. Untreated periodontitis can result in a lost tooth or teeth or you could develop painful pus-filled sacs, called abscesses.
You can keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy by following these tips:
- Your instinct may be to avoid doing anything that makes your gums bleed, but it's important to brush your teeth often.
- Plaque (the film of saliva, bacteria and food that coats your teeth in between cleaning) can make your gums more prone to bleeding. To remove it, brush your teeth for two minutes, once in the morning and again last thing at night, using fluoride toothpaste.
- Consider investing in an electric toothbrush.
- Clean between your teeth every day to remove plaque and trapped food. Your dentist will advise you if mini (interdental) brushes or dental floss will help.
- See your dentist regularly.
- Ask your doctor or dentist about mouthwashes (non-alcohol base) that are safe to use while you're pregnant.
- Avoid fizzy drinks, orange juices or anything acidic.
Other things you can do to keep your teeth healthy and strong
Drink plenty of water
There are several dental benefits of drinking water: it helps wash out debris and acid from your mouth, the fluoride tap water contains helps build stronger enamel and water also helps prevent you from suffering from a dry mouth, which makes you more susceptible to dental problems. Fluoride in tap water is found in varying amounts across the UK naturally but certain areas its added to the water supply too; West Midlands, North East England, East Midlands, East England, North West and Yorkshire and Humber.
Stop snacking
You produce more saliva when eating larger meals, which washes food particles away and lessens acid damage. Avoid sugary, acidic snacks between meals.
If you only brush your teeth you could be missing food particles which lodge between teeth which can lead to bacterial build up and infection. Use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean carefully between teeth.
Eat well
Eat plenty of calcium rich foods such as cheese, milk and yoghurt which your teeth need to remain healthy and prevent breakdown of the enamel. A healthy well balance diet is needed for your baby’s teeth to develop.
Keep chewing
Studies show that chewing sugar-free gum can have a positive effect on teeth. Gum can stimulate production of saliva and increase salivary flow. Saliva is a natural buffering agent that washes the teeth and neutralises some of the acid produces by bacteria.
You’ve hopefully already kicked the smoking habit
but another incentive not to go back to the cigarettes after baby is born is the fact that only does smoking cigarettes stain your teeth, but it can cause more serious damage by restricting the flow of blood to your teeth and gums, depriving them of vital nutrients they need for growth and repair.
Cut down on sugar
The bacteria that cause tooth decay feed off sugar and other simple carbohydrates to produce acid, which erodes enamel and leads to dental problems. Remember that fruit juice also contains fruit sugars, so avoid drinking fruit juice in between meals.