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Dr Shauna Fannin
Medically reviewed by
24th Nov 2021

Postnatal depression (also known as postpartum depression) is a common mental health condition that affects more than 1 in 10 new mothers within 12 months of having a baby. It can lead to feelings of guilt, hopelessness and extreme sadness that can last for weeks and months on end.

Postnatal depression can be treated and with the right support you will feel better. But, having gone through postnatal depression, it can make many women hesitant about having another baby, as they have an understandable anxiety about the condition returning.  

This guide is to help you if you have suffered from postnatal depression, are pregnant again, or are thinking about getting pregnant...

What is postnatal depression, exactly?

Postnatal depression is a clinical illness that affects women after they have given birth, as opposed to antenatal depression, which affects you while you are pregnant. Signs of postnatal depression can include:

  • Bursting into tears for no apparent reason
  • Persistent sadness and low mood
  • Lack of energy and interest in things
  • Difficulty in bonding with your baby
  • Having scary and upsetting thoughts – such as about harming your baby
  • Problems sleeping at night

Some of these symptoms, such as being teary and a bit down, are quite common after giving birth and may be put down to the ‘baby blues’, which are feelings brought on by hormonal changes as your body adjusts to no longer being pregnant. But if these feelings last for longer than two weeks and don’t go away, then it’s likely you are suffering from postnatal depression. And having these symptoms at any point in the 12 months after you give birth is classified as postnatal depression.  

Should I worry about getting pregnant again if I have suffered from postnatal depression in the past?

It’s normal to feel anxious about having another child if you have been through postnatal depression in the past. But this shouldn’t stop you from getting pregnant again or be something you stress about. The important thing is to get the help and support you need, both from friends and family and your doctor and health visitor.

It’s vital that those who care for you know that you have been through postnatal depression before, so they can spot the signs that you may be suffering again and provide help. And while having postnatal depression makes you more vulnerable to having it following a future birth remember that there is nothing to say that you will definitely get postnatal depression again.

Can postnatal depression be prevented second time around?

Telephone support from women who have had postnatal depression, home visits by the midwife/ health visitor, and therapy such as Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behaviour therapy can all help prevent Postnatal Depression.

Things you can do to help yourself include:

  • Try not to over-tire yourself
  • Make friends with other pregnant women or new mums
  • Attend the antenatal classes
  • Accept offers of help from friends and family
  • If you have been prescribed anti-depressants in pregnancy don’t stop taking them without seeking professional advice

Can I get help for my postnatal depression?

It is really important to remember that there is lots of help out there for you – whether you are anxious about the prospect of postnatal depression, or actually going through it. So, if you are worried about your depression, then speak to your GP, midwife or health visitor. You won’t be judged or made to feel like you’ve done anything wrong by seeking help.

Having someone to talk to is really important- the mental health charities can also offer you help and support with postnatal depression at any point. These include Mind opens in a new window and The Mental Health Foundation opens in a new window . There is also an organisation called PANDAS opens in a new window that helps women with mental health issues connected to pregnancy and giving birth.   

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